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{ I write while I listen to music and I want you guys to feel the vibe I feel while I write so I'm going to add the song I listened to while writing at the beginning of the chapters. For this chapter it's Sex Drugs Etc. by Beach Weather. Enjoy..}

2 days. That's how long it had been since the kiss. That's how long we had been inseparable. I found myself never wanting to leave her side, and I'd like to think she didn't want to leave mine. Every moment I spent with her, I felt like I was being suspended into air. There was an unmentionable amount of freedom I felt when I was with Penny. Nothing was impossible with her.

I felt her hand sneak into mine, but she didn't lace our fingers. Her fingers danced around my hand, as if she was examining it. I watched as she brought it to her lips and kissed the top of my hand, then continued to examine it. It was interesting, watching her. She was mystifying, enchanting, and beautiful. She made everything beautiful..every motion, her surroundings.

She pulled my arm around her neck and laced our fingers as she rested her head on my chest. "You're warm." She stated, kissing my bare chest. I couldn't help but smile to myself. "You're cold?" I asked, grabbing a blanket from beside me. "Yes but you can keep me warm." She said, snuggling into my side. "Oh can I?" I teased, looking down at her innocently. "You know, you may not talk much but when you do talk it seems like the only languages you know are English and sarcasm. Are the lines becoming blurry?" She joked, sitting up.

I laughed and shook my head. "I can see just fine from here." She rolled her eyes and moved off of the bed, "Hey, let's do something. Let's go on an adventure.." She said excitedly, making her way to the bathroom which was across the room. "What kind of adventure do you have in mind?" I asked, watching as she tied her wavy hair up in a bun. "Well,  we can go hiking, surfing, rock climbing, canoeing..." She listed, as she stuffed bobby pins into her hair.

She was an adventure. The few days I had known her, was all I needed to determine that much. She had a wild side but she embraced it. "Huh, how about we do all of it? Obviously we can't do it all in one day, but we can do something new every day." I suggested, gathering my wallet and phone from the nightstand next to my bed and shoving them in my pockets. She didn't respond, so I figured she was occupied. When I looked over, she was staring at me with this big smile wiped across her face.

"What?" I couldn't help but smile. Hers was too contagious to resist. "I don't know yet." She smiled, making her way over to me. "I haven't done anything like this since my parents died..." She admitted, sitting on the edge of the bed. The huge smile that seemed glued to her face, now faded.  "Hey," I said, rubbing her back. "It's okay....it's gonna be fun. I promise."

A small smile creeped onto her face as she wiped her tears before they fell. "I know. Thank you." She whispered, before getting up and sliding on her shoes. I'd never seen her cry over them before. She had made it seem like she was, for lack of a better term, too strong to cry over them. I admired her courage to get through the day with such a heavy weight looming over her every time she opened her eyes.

I pulled a shirt from my closet, and slid it on, knowing I wasn't going to be wearing it for long. We gathered things we might need like money, our phones, wallets etc. and then we headed out.

It was around 10 AM, so the traffic was light and the sun wasn't beating so hard. "Surfing first? It takes the most energy and Id rather do it before the sun cooks me." I asked, switching into the other lane which led to the beach. "Yes, sounds good babe." She smiled, resting her hand on my knee. Moments like these are what make me happy. She wasn't afraid to be affectionate with me, she wasn't afraid of anything. Without being too cliché, she radiated this aura, this super glowy one.

She glowed and I think that's one of the reasons why I wanted her.

*Penny's POV*

I glanced over and watched as Jakes hair danced over his face, sticking to his glasses. He never left without the damn things. It's one of the things I'll grow to appreciate, though. He  smiled and I wanted to know what he was thinking about. He had such a complex mind and I found him extremely hard to read. "Okay, we're here." He said, putting the car in park and turning off the ignition. We both collected our things and I grabbed my sunblock because I sure as hell will burn before I tan.

We made our way to the touristy area, where a hut stood with surfboards lined up beside it. Jake motioned for me to sit while he took care of it and I did. Usually I was the one that took care of things, me being independent and alone and all. It was refreshing to relax for once. I watched as he talked to the man behind the counter, and in seconds the man pulled out 2 bands. The ones that attach to the surfboard so you can tie it to your ankles.

Jake thanked him, and they both walked over to the boards. "Babe, come pick one." He yelled, as he searched for a board. Excitedly, I joined him and scanned the row of boards. They were all beautifully multicolored but one really stuck out to me. It was pearl with splashes of teal around the sides and in the middle of the board, a large pink Hawaiian flower sat. How stereotypical, right?
"I'll take this one, please!" I smiled excitedly, pointing to the pearl board in front of me. The man smiled and removed the board from the lock, and I grabbed it and carried it to the sand.

Jake followed with a simple yellow board, and we sat down in the sand just before the shore and began waxing our boards. "Have you ever surfed before?" I asked, rubbing the wax bar over the board. "Uh, no actually. I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm getting myself into." He laughed, looking puzzled as he stared at the wax. I couldn't help but laugh, "Hey, like this.." I said as I gently lathered the board with wax. After a few strokes, he seemed to get the concept because his hand movements synced with mine.

I smiled, watching him. I was happy that he wanted to try new things and get out of that little hole he calls his room. He deserved to explore the world and go on adventures because life is nothing without the little things. Whether it's a small trip to the beach or trying something new, it shapes who you are. I wanted to teach him new things, and I wanted him to teach me new things. I wanted to grow together.

After the boards were completely waxed, and our bodies were thoroughly lathered in sunscreen, we took the boards to the shore. "Are you ready?" I asked him, as the water splashed our feet. "Me? I don't think you're ready." He scoffed, rushing into the water. I rolled my eyes and followed after him, throwing my board down and paddling out. He paddled out, faster than I. I laughed knowing he was using too much of his energy on paddling.

After a while, I caught up to him as he lost his breath and had to rest. "Tired, Casanova?" I laughed, splashing his board with water. He smirked and splashed me back, sending cold shivers down my spine. "Hey!" I yelled, and kicked his board with my foot. A scared look masked his face as he lost his balance and toppled over into the water. "Oh my god, Jake, I'm sorry.." I apologized, searching for him in the water. I couldn't see him and I began to worry. "Jake?" I called out, worriedly.

A few moments passed and I felt the water shift. One second I was on my board, and the next Jake hurled out of the water and flipped my board over. I fell into the water and nearly swallowed the ocean trying to get to the surface. I managed to swim up, gasping for air. "See...two can play at that game." He smiled, splashing me a little. I couldn't help but laugh at the entire situation, swimming closer to him. I met his beautiful eyes and couldn't help but be in awe at how they looked when the sun hit them. He leaned closer, cupping my cheek in his hand. Small tingles ran through my body and I couldn't wait any longer. Our lips collided and it felt like the first time all over again.

He smiled against my lips and I wondered how I had ever lived without him.

They're back!!!! This chapter is lengthy and I've been working on it forever so I really hope you enjoyed it :-) let me know!

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