5 - That's What Brothers Do

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Hey, here's part five. Enjoy!

Thank you all for being so understanding and supportive while you've been waiting for this chapter.


Error's POV:

I woke up to an irritated whine coming from inside my ribs. I looked down in confusion to see two small skeletons staring up at me.

"HeY, kiDdoS." I said softly, trying not to scare them. "hOW yOu feElinG?" The Sans looked at me blankly. I sighed and said, "YoU huNgRy, cOlD... eRr... sTuFf liKE thAt?" Now understanding what I meant, the Sans looked briefly over at his brother and nodded as he turned back to face me.

I gave the Sans a lazy smile and pulled myself up without much trouble - the two babybones still tucked away in my jacket.

"I'M eRrOR. YoU gOT NamEs?" I asked as I set off towards Snowdin Town, maybe their Gaster was decent enough to given them names this time.

The Sans seemed to think before replying "I'm One, he's Two." Pointing first to himself, then to his brother. Obviously I was being too optimistic.

"nO, tHeY aReN'T pRoPEr NaMEs. Us SKelETon mOnSTers are USuaLLy nAmEd AfTeR the FOntS wE sPeAk. yOu'D bE a SaNs anD YOuR BroTheR WoULd bE a PaPyRus." I explained, the Sans seemed to follow what I was saying so I continued. "SoMeTImeS a COmBinAtIon oF TwO oR moRe FoNTs iS usEd, fOr ExAmPle; WiNg DiNg GaStEr is A cOmbInAtIon oF WiNGdinGS aNd AsTer.

"NO!" The Sans cried in terror. "I don't want ANYTHING to do with HIM!" The Sans paused for a second before asking, "You don't have a font name, do you?

" WeLl, ErM, nO, nOt ReaLLy, nOt tHaT i UsE aNyMorE." Or remember. This kid's smart, I'll give them that. Turning the conversation back to me. Tch.

"Then... We want names like yours!" The Sans stated. The suddenness of the statement caught me a little off guard. I stared down at the brothers in disbelief.

"A nAmE lIKe mInE...? sOrrY kID, nO cAN Do..." I said looking around. "YoU reAllY dOn'T wANt a NaME lIkE mInE... tRuSt Me." Once I was satisfied that we weren't being followed by anyone I looked back down at the two babybones. That was a fatal mistake. Both of them were staring up at me with eyes that just melted my soul - the kicked puppy eyes Blue gives you when you say no.

I stared back down at them and with each passing second I could feel my resolve crumbling, until eventually it broke.

"dAmN iT, KiD!" I huffed, pouting. "fInE! yOu cAn HAvE a NaMe LiKE mInE!" I said with an exasperated sigh. "JuSt qUIt iT wITh tHe PupPy-DoG eYEs... pLeASe? It'S dOinG wEirD thInGS tO mY SouL." Their faces lit up, I shook my head with a small chuckle - who would have thought giving them a name would make them so happy?

I thought for a moment before I decided on the perfect names for the two of them. "YoU'rE gOIng tO bE NiX, aNd YoU cAN Be ZiP." I said, looking first at the Sans, now Nix, then at the Papyrus, now Zip. I know, I know - not very imaginative, both names mean 'nothing', but it's better than 'Goose Egg' and 'Zippo' or 'Naught' and 'Nada'. I guess I could have gone with 'Null' and 'Void', but I had a feeling those were already taken...

Nix began repeating his new name and trying to teach Zip his. Zip, though, had other plans - he was busy chewing on my jacket, staring at the snow, ignoring his brother. Nix soon gave up and joined his brother in both chewing on my jacket and looking at the surrounding landscape.

I began to feel as though we were being watched as we entered the outskirts of Snowdin. I hadn't realised that I'd stopped dead until a small hand was placed on my cheek, grabbing my attention. I looked at Nix and Zip, who was babbling quietly to himself. "yEs?"

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