•My Life•

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It starts in a little home in a small town in Australia. On Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. I am woken up by yelling. That was Vicki.

"Annabelle go pick up your toys in the living room! I told you to do that yesterday!" I hear from the kitchen. "But momma!! I'm not done playing with them!" Eight year old Annabelle says back to her mother. "You better have it cleaned up by lunch time!"

I walk down the hallway into the bathroom. I look great...

I'm lying I looked a mess.

"Why can't I just be-" I start to say to myself when the door flies open. "Whoops!" I hear coming from the mouth of my eight year old brother. "Thomas!!" I yell at him then start to chase him down the hallway.

"Ahh!!!" He screams running to the living room. He tripped over Annabelle's toys. When he fell I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. "AHHHH!!!" He screamed louder this time. I threw him on the couch then plopped down next to him.

"What'd I tell you about my privacy?" I asked him. "To always knock when the bathroom door is closed." He replied. "And why can't we just lock the bathroom door?" I smirked at him. His faced turned with guilt. "Because I broke the lock trying to pick it with a nail filer." He murmured. I laughed. Imagine that? My little brother, breaking something. What a surprise.

"I made breakfast!" Vicki says. Vicki's Kaitlin's mom. Who's Kaitlin? Only one of my best friends out of two. "Claire, can you go wake Kaitlin up please?" I nodded and walked down the hallway. I opened the bedroom door that was right next to mine, and creeped over to the bed. This should get her good...

"FIRE!!" I yell in her ear. She quickly wakes up. "WHAT!? FIRE!! MOVE I GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!" She yells then stumbles out of bed in a panic.

By the time she ran out of the room I was dying with laughter. I looked down the hallway and followed the running Kaitlin. She was in short pj shorts and a sports bra. She opened the front door and ran outside. What a convenience, our neighbour was outside sitting on his deck reading the newspaper.

Kaitlin was standing in the driveway and looked over at me, Annabelle, and Thomas standing in the doorway. After a few seconds she realized what I did. She quickly ran back into the house dragging me with her on the way inside.

You could only imagine what we do to each other daily. That's why we were best friends.

That was my life. Me thinking I'm nothing but an ugly girl with a crack head mom and a dead dad. That was who I was. I wish I would've realized I had so much more.



First chapter of my new book! Hope you're enjoying my new account since I started fresh.

Claire is living a weird life, don't you think? Living with her best friend must be pretty cool though. What do you think? Comment on how I can improve and what you think!

Make sure to go check out my first story 'What I Thought Was The End' and please comment on that as well and if you liked it vote.

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Thanks to all my followers, voters, and believers!

Love, Olive.

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