Thanks Reality

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Have you ever wanted to be taken out of your own life? I'm not talking about dying.

Just go into your own little world where no ones there to bother you, no troubles, just you. Just a break from, well, everything.

Hi, this is a reality check. That's never gonna happen. Ever.

Haha thanks for reminding me reality...

"Hey we're going out to Ben's!" Kaitlin yells to Vicki. "Okay, be back by dinner please!" she yelled back.

Ben was my other best friend. Ben, Kaitlin, and I have been best friends since second grade. Ben just lived a little ways away from our house. The three of us, knew everything about each other. You know that word, best friends. Yea. We're that.

Kaitlin and I walked down the driveway. "So are we driving there or walking?" Kaitlin asked me. "I'd be fine with walking." I replied. "Really? You're gonna make me walk? Are ya trying to kill me? You already made me run down the driveway because I was being chased by imaginary fire!" she argued. I started to laugh. "Hey, you asked me. We're walking." And with me saying that we started walking down the sizzling sidewalk in the mid June sun.

On the way there we talked about how Kaitlin is going to get me back so good for what I did. "Good then I'll be expecting it!" I told her. She shook her head and the rest of the way was pretty quiet.

We arrived at Ben's house and walked up the stairs lined with the beautiful flowers his mother always planted.

We knocked on the door and there he came. He was fairly tall. He had blue eyes and red hair. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and loose blue jeans, while me and Kaitlin both were wearing shorts.

"Hey guys!" he yelled. He did this every time... "The Groupy is reunited!" Then he pulled all three of us in a big hug. "Where have you guys been? Its been like, 4days!" he asked still having his arms on our shoulders.

"Oh you know, just at home." I said. "Well it's a good thing you're here!" he said leading us inside. "And why is that?" Kaitlin asked. "Well first you guys are my best friend...duh. And I rented some movies! night anyone?"

Although we were 17, we were well, childish.

We gathered blankets, pillows, and sheets and made a fort. It was pretty awesome.

"I think it's good!" said Ben. "Totally." I replied staring at it. We made the best. Kaitlin and I climbed inside as Ben put in the first movie. The Book Thief. "How bad can it be?" I said.

By the end of the movie Kaitlin, Ben, and I were sobbing. "Rudy never got to tell her he loves her!" Ben cried. "It's just so sad!" Kaitlin yelled. I agreed. One of the saddest movies I've ever seen.

Next we decided to watch a funny movie, The Hangover, to ease us on the sad movie we had just watched. Then we watched a scary movie then another funny movie.

I just remember falling asleep watching The House Next Door. I woke up at 3am in my bedroom. I guess Ben drove us home?

I heard someone screaming and that's when I heard the sirens.



Hey guys I'm watching a scary movie right now and flipping out. Anyway...

Did Ben really take them home? What are the sirens Claire's hearing at 3am?

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Random sirens with love!


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