Chapter 31

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Noah and Lauren sat on their bed, they were soaking wet from the shower and the duvet didn't soak up any of the water, there are downsides to silk and satin. Lauren's hair was dripping everywhere. Noah's hair had drooped, sticking to his forehead. Lauren realised how much of a child he looked. He was so unbelievably stunning that Lauren found herself staring at him. Embarrassed, she averted her eyes, blinking rapidly.

"I'm tired." Noah exclaimed randomly.

"Me too."she replied, vacantly looking at a wall.

"Good night kiss?" Noah offered, smirking. Lauren nodded and leaned in. She placed a hand on his cheek. The air was getting hot and thick around them. Their eyes both closed simultaneously. Lauren pulled in and brushed her lips over his. She could hear his breathing pick up as he waited for her to kiss him. She traced her top lip along his bottom lip. Her eyes flickered open. Lauren looked at the look of annoyance clearly displayed on his face. His eyes opened. He lifted one eyebrow.

"Lauren, are you going to kiss me or not?"he asked, clearly irritated by her teasing him like that. Lauren smirked the same way as Noah and brought her lips crashing down on his. Lauren bit down on his lip, causing him to gasp. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and roughly pushed him on the bed, not even breaking the kiss to breath.

The door opened and a maid walked in. She coughed to get their attention. She was carrying a tray with tea and biscuits. The cups were china covered in blue graphics of Chinese men fighting to the death. The teapot was similar. The biscuits and passionfruit and orange rind in them. She put the tray on their bed.

"Here is your tea Sir and Madam."she bowed before exiting their room. She was obviously uncomfortable with their shows of affection. Lauren and Noah felt a little embarrassed at this.


After they had finished their tea and biscuits, they put the tray on a nearby table and laid on the bed. Sleep soon took over them and they dived into a series of dreams and nightmares.


Noah (his head, his POV)


Lauren spat on me as she circled around my shaking figure. Her face held utter disgust towards me. I kept on thinking that I was an inferior to her. Lauren's superior looks of sheer dismay were really putting me off.

"You really think that I could fall in love with someone like you?"she spat, Lauren was fuming. I began to cry, my brain not processing exactly what was going on. I was in a dark room, the only things illuminated were me and Lauren.

I didn't know why I was crying, it's a pretty babyish thing to do, but I couldn't help it, for some reason.

"Fūcking baby!" Lauren growled, kicking me harshly. I began to cry more and more at this point. Lauren had never sworn in her life. I felt my head spin, as if I were on strong medications. She snarled at my childish weeping. She was right, I was worthless. That's why I had these mental health conditions. I was never fit for this world.

"I'd be so much better off without you; you're pathetic."

"S-Stop!"I sobbed, my voice hoarse and stuttering.

"Why don't you do everyone a favour and DIE?!"she bellowed.

I woke up sweating.


Lauren (ditto)


My head was pounding, I couldn't get an ounce of sleep from him holding me like that. I couldn't move. I couldn't wake him up. What's happening to him? Is he going mad? I fear for the worst. Something happened with all the houses that we've been in that he is not telling me. It's exasperating.

"No..."he whispered in his sleep. Noah was very distressed, I could tell. His face was showing grief and shock. I just wish that I could wake him up. My arms were stuck to my side as Noah hugged me tighter than a boa. He was in such a deplorable state at that moment.

At least I've stopped dreaming for the time being.


Noah's eyes opened. He was gasping at his disturbing dream. His arm was probably crushing Lauren. It was too tight. He wondered why she was still with him. He had a tendency for messing everything up. His violet eyes brimmed with tears, he tried his best to hold them back. He didn't want to seem like a 'baby' to Lauren, like in his dream. He needed to grow up. Noah had been living in isolation for years. Now he needed to man up. Crying is for children.

"Lauren?" Noah asked, brushing his hand on her back. Her skin was golden and beautiful. He found himself desiring to kiss her perfect skin but that was a way of affection that was unrealistic to him.

Lauren turned round. Noah had removed his arms from her, thank god.

"Hmm?"she replied, looking him straight in the eye. She was tired, he had just woken her from a dreamless sleep.

"What am I worth to you?" Noah had to say.

"Noah, you are worth the world to me." Lauren smiled, kissing his nose.

"Thanks, I love you."he smiled.

"I love you too. What's the time?"she asked.

"Quarter-past seven."


The door swung open to reveal a different maid wearing all white.

"Master would like to see you in his office."she exclaimed in a Taiwanese accent. "Please, you must follow me."


På fel Lee. Dold elen äldre Ekeby leker ledige förlängning fler fisken Skellefteå fler wow för goda dödsäsong.

You are probably wondering why I am putting in all this description, it is because I am now on pride.



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