The author stared at her laptop as the cruiser blinked; on and off, on and off, there and not, as the blank paper taunted her, mocked her with its emptiness.
Dropping her head into her hands, she groaned, the sound reminiscent of dying whales and zombie hordes. Peeking through her fingers, wishing by some miracle that there was a couple of pages of writings that she could read and edit through, her heart sank past her toes as the screen, unsurprisingly, was still blank.
A shrill sound snapped her out of the funk she was in and she scrambled for her buzzing cellphone that flashed the words 'DESTROYER OF WORLDS' in all caps and beneath that read in smaller print 'a.k.a your editor'.
She groaned again as she slid her thumb to answer the call, bringing it up to her ear as she did so.
"WHERES MY UPDATE?!" A voice screeched into their end of the line making the author wince and pull the phone away from her ear.
"Well, hello to you too, Shawn. Yes, I'm just fine, how are you? Good? Good, I don't have anything for you. Good day!" With a sigh, she tapped the 'End Call' button, knowing that Shawn was going to be furious.
Flipping the silence on her phone, she turned back to the blank page and, feeling the overwhelming dread seep back into her, proceeded to drop her head onto the desktop with a resounding thud. Lifting up her head slightly, she repeated the action, all while muttering, "Stupid. Fucking. Writers. Block," with every other hit.