
20 6 1

Tagged by: @123otaku4lyf

Have you ever:

Skipped class? Does lunch count?
Done drugs? nopeee
Self-harmed? yep
Drank? No
Shop lifted? Yes
Gotten a tattoo? No
Broken up with someone? Nope, though someone did break my heart.

What's your favorite:

Show? Riverdale and strangers things
Movie? The kissing Booth
Song? Youngblood by 5 seconds of summer
Artist? 5sos
Singer? Gnash
Memory? When I was six me and my sister looked up at the clouds idk it's stupid but it's important to me.
Book? The awakening of sunshine girl

This or that:

Invisibility or ability to fly? Ability to fly.
Cookie or cake? Cookie
Twitter or Facebook? Facebook I don't own Twitter
Coke or sprite? Coke
Blind or deaf? Deaf I can't live without my vision
Tea or coffee? Coffee (McDonald's coffee is my everything)

What's your?

Age? Thirteen
Sign? Sagittarius
Height: idk I'm pretty tall though
Sexual orientation? Straight
Longest relationship? Two months (I'm fucking thirteen)

What's your Opinion on?

Gay rights: everyone is equal love is love (gay couples are the cutest)
Second chances? Depends
Long distance relationships? They could work if you really tried
Abortion: hell now that is a human being
Death penalty? No I hate it everyone is still humans sure people fuck up but let them rot in jail
Marijuana: no
Love? Stupid; pathetic

Do you?

Believe in ghosts? Yes my house is haunted
Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed my dogs like to do their business on my blankets
Have a girlfriend or boyfriend: nope boys suck
Like yourself? Sometimes mostly no



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