❣Chapter 4❣

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   "Eunwoo- Oppa!" You hear the voice of a girl coming your way.

   You look at the girl in front of you. She has long slim legs, silky hair dyed blonde, light brown eyes that are big and very straight white teeth. The way she dresses... She seems like she could be a rich girl.
   "Ew. Who are you." She says glaring at you.
   "I'm Eunwoo's fiance. And you are?" You glare back at her. Looks like she doesn't have a good personality.
   "You? Eunwoo's fiance? Don't make me laugh. I'm Eunwoo's girl friend." She states.
   I look at Eunwoo. "Care to explain?" You say, your voice getting louder.
   "You're not my girl friend, Sookyung." He rolls his eyes. "You broke up with me months ago, and now you're crawling back just because you found out who my family was. I don't need a gold digger." He snaps, scaring you a little.
   "What about her, huh? Isn't she a gold digger too? If she's with you, she has to be, right?" She says accusing me.
   "Umm, excuse me, Sookyung." You say emphasizing her name. "For your information, I liked him for him. I knew of his family background after being with him. I never left him and came crawling back like you're doing now. And also, I don't need to be going back to a guy for his money, I have enough already, my dad's a CEO, and I'm the hier. Care to try to accuse me any further?" You say loud and proud.
   "CEO of what company? The trash bag company." She says, laughing.
   "Fantagio." You say blankly.
   "The big entertainment company?..." She asks hesitantly.
   "What else?" You say. "I'm bored of this conversation already. Let's go, Eunwoo." You say as you grab his hand to walk away. You then notice your hands unhook.
   "What the fuck, Eunwoo?" You say looking back.
   "It's not me, I swear." He says.
   You then around to see, Sookyung pulled his arm away and she's now wrapped her arms around Eunwoo's preventing him to reach you.
   "Let my fiance go." You demand.
   "He's mine! Not yours." She says, sticking her tongue out.
   "Do you have proof?"
   "Do YOU have proof?" She shoots back.
   You then hold up your left hand showing the engagement ring in your 4th finger. "The proof is right here, honey." You shoot a fake smile then roll your eyes.
   She's there speechless.
   "Ani! I refuse to believe that you two are engaged! I won't give up on you, Eunwoo- oppa." She says as she leaves you and Eunwoo alone.
   "So. Care to explain this whole mess to me?" You ask him.
   "Ughhhhhh." He groans. "Arasseo."
   "She's my mist recent ex girl friend. She broke up with me four months ago for an idol. His name is Taehyung, or V. I don't even know, I'm so confused. But yeah, she broke up with me for another guy because he's famous I guess. And ever since she found out I'm actually really rich and my family owns SK Corp. She broke up with Taehyung and is always showing up and trying to win me over." He tells you. "But I don't give second chances out easily. It has to be a good enough reason for me to do that. And so far I've only ever given out a second chance, once. And she fucked that up too. So no one else has ever gotten another chance." He explains. "So that's why I didn't care much if my parents had me get an arranged marriage. But I'm glad they did. You're amazing." He smiles at you causing you to blush.
   "So she's a crazy, money thirsty, ex?" You asks bluntly.
   "...basically." He laughs at your bluntness.
   "Let's just continue our date and forget about what happened. Okay?" You say and he nods his head.
   The two of you then just continue your date, walking hand in hand at the park. You got some ice cream together from an ice cream truck that passed by. You got two scoops of mint chocolate chip in a cone and Eunwoo got two scoops of strawberry.
   (... is it me or does Eunwoo's taste seem girlier than Hyerim's😂 ~author.) After getting ice cream, the two of you head to an arcade together.

   "Hyerim-sshi! Isn't this fun?" He asks, smiling.
   "Absolutely!" You exclaim as the two of you are sweating your butts off.
   "Haha! I win!" You shout.
   "That's not fair. You didn't tell me you knew how to dance." He pouts.
   "We're literally at SOPA. Dancing is a need there." You laugh.
   "Oh yeah, forgot." He laughs along.
(The two of you played that one dance battle game with the arrows.)
   "Ouu! Let's play air hockey now!" You exclaim as you run over to the air hockey table laughing like a little kid.
   After playing...
   "How did you beat me at this too?" Eunwoo whines.
   "Because, I'm Na Hyerim. Nobody can beat this." You say cockily causing the two of you to laugh.

   As the day went on, you two played many more games (majority, you won) but now night was nearing and you're beginning to feel hungry.
   "Grrrr" but it wasn't your stomach. You look over at an embarrassed Eunwoo.
   "Let's go eat somewhere." You laugh.

   Eunwoo takes you to a fancy restaurant that sells only Italian food. Yeah Italian food in Korea, blah blah. Weird right? Well that's why it's fancy and expensive, my guy.

   "I've never been here before... So I don't know what I should order." You say nervously.
   "You want me to order for you then?" He asks.
   "Yeah... that'd be nice." You giggle.

   "Are you ready to order?" The lady asks.
   "Yes, I would like to order a tagliatelles à la bolognese, and for the lady a tagliatelles à la carbonara."
   "Okay, I bring that eight out for you sir." The lady says then winks at Eunwoo.
   "Gomowo." He says with a smile.
   "She winked at you, and you did nothing about it." You huff crosses your arms.
   "What was I supposed to do?" He asks.
   "Ask her not to wink at you (?), tell her you have a fiance right here in from of you. Obviously!" You say holding up your left hand showing the ring.
   "Arasseo arasseo." He says defeated.

   After waiting for like 30 minutes or longer, our food finally comes out. It looks so gooooood!
   "Gomowo. Oh and by the way, please don't wink at me anymore, it makes me feel uncomfortable and my wife too. So please refrain from doing that or I might complain." He says then smiles after that.
   "Ah..." She says awkwardly, then bows and walks away.

   After we finish our food a different waiter come out.
   "Would you like to order any desserts?" He asks.
   Eunwoo looks at me, who seems pretty excited about this.
   "Ne. Can I get a panna cotta, and for my wife, a tiramisu please." Eunwoo says.
   Eunwoo laughs. "It looks like the other woman is afraid to take our order now."
   "Looks like it." You giggle.

   After about 15 minutes our desserts come out.
   "Aigoo. It looks so goood!" You exclaim.
(Mianhae, I keep thinking about Stray Kids, Chan when he pointed the camera to the ramen😂~author)
   "Dig in!" Eunwoo smiles.
   "Daebak. It's so delicious!" You squeal.

   After the date, you two are in the car. Eunwoo driving, and you in the passenger seat.
   "I had a great time today, Eunwoo-sshi." You smile.
   "I did too." He smiles back, looking at you. "You know... I think, since We're engaged. You should call me... something a little more fitting."
   "Like what?" You ask.
   "Call me oppa." He smirks.
   "What? No! That's too embarrassing for me to say." You blush.
   He then pulls over to the side of the road, under a tree in the darkness.
   "Call me Oppa, Hyerim." He smirks.
   "Ani." You huff crossing your arms.
   He then leans in. "Call me Oppa or I'll punish you until you say it." He grins.
   "Aniya. Don't do that." You panic.
   He then slams his lips onto yours and you kiss him back. His hand traveling up your thigh.
   "Call me oppa." He demands
   You still don't say it.
   "Looks like you want to be punished even more." He smirks.



   Omo omo omo. Author-sshi is so inappropriate😢😂. Mianhae readers. But hope you're looking forward to the next chapters;).

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