Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry," Brittyn huffed for the third time; each time was getting less and less meaningful.

"It's fine. But I need a ride to get my car."

"Of course."

Christy nodded, before pulling on her shoes. She opted for sneakers since she'd spent most of the night at the club in her heels. Better than on her knees like she suspected Brittyn had been, she snickered to herself.

"Tell me you met a match at least?"

"I didn't meet a match. I wasn't dressed up, remember? I came straight from work after you called me to come get you."

"Well, I'm sorry about that for the hundredth time, but there was a guy messing with me- then I found this other guy and he was like, 'Match' all seductive like. I had no idea what came over me- one minute I am running from some guy who looked like Leather face right into the Greek God Dionysus. He's the party one."

"I know who he is,"

"I was a nymph." She supplied proudly, "So we did technically match."


"Shame you didn't match to anyone. It's been so long since-"


"I'm just saying that you aren't doing him any favors by not moving on- he clearly has moved on a few times since you two-"

"I said don't. I don't want to hash it out with you this morning. I just want to get my car and forget this all ever happened."

"You're not the one at fault, Christy." Brittyn said solemnly. "I'm your best friend so I have to say the sucky things that don't need or want to be said- but it's festering inside you like a gaping wound. You lash out at everyone- you're so angry and won't let anyone in. Let the guy go like the stray bullet you dodged, not linger and wait for the kill shot."

"Are you done?" Christy bristled, pulling her dark hair back into a ponytail. She moved through the colorful apartment gathering her spare set of keys and two bottles of sweet tea she made earlier in the day, trying to avoid Brittyn's glare.

"Almost." Brittyn spat. "Tell me you at least let a guy talk you up last night?" Brittyn moved around their apartment slowly, still clearly hung over. Her hair fell in long wet strands down her back, wetting her shirt. She pulled her shoes out of the basket by the front door and pushed each foot in.

"I did let a guy talk me up, happy?"

"Was he hot?" Brittyn grinned.

"He was so hot I thought he was a devil."

"Oh, how lovely would that be?" Brittyn sighed. "I so want to be a little devil next time. Maybe find a match with someone a little naughty... or nice."

"Next time?"

"They do this on the regular, Christy. The next one is in a couple weeks and you are going with me this time- no getting out of it."

"What about Greek God?"

"What about him?"

"You matched."

"Oh, we so did. Several times last night." Brittyn grinned. "He called me his nymph- nympho's more like it which was fun for like a minute. After a while I felt like I had been riding a horse on the Oregon Trail. I'm surprised I'm not bowlegged."

"More information than needed."

Brittyn shrugged with a smirk. "I burned like a thousand calories, though, riding him and get ridden all night."

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