Chapter 4: The Enchanted Lake

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The next day after the tourney competition and Ben announcing his 'love' for Mal in front of the whole school, I headed to chemistry class with Evie. I took a seat beside Aziz while Evie took her seat beside Dougie and started frantically searching for something.

I lean over my desk, "What are you looking for?"

"My magic mirror," she tells me urgently.

I raised my eyebrow at her in disbelief, "Are you seriously gonna use it for the test."

"If I can find it," she whispers back. I lean back into my desk and shook my head.

Mt. Deley noticing Evie's frantic search walks over to her, "Looking for something?" he holds up Evies' mirror. He smiles down at Chad, "Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

Evie tries to explain her "Mr. Deley, I..."

"But that isn't fair. Obviously, she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is," Doug interjects.

"It's called a magic mir..." Evie starts.

I cut her off, "Don't help. Please don't help. He's trying to save you."

Doug nodded in agreement but kept his focus on Mr.Deley. "Maybe she needed another pencil."

Evie holds up her finger, "Actually, I was..."

I put my hand over her mouth. "He his helping you, stop talking. Do you wanna be expelled?" she shook her head and I released her mouth.

"Please," Doug pleaded with Mr. Deley.

"Please," Evie repeats.

"Well, If you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop." Mr. Deley says before walking away.

Evie smiles at Doug before sending a glare to a petulant Chad. Once she was given her test she stared at it blankly.

"You can do it," I whisper to her. "You're smarter than you think."

She picks up her pencil and smiles at me, "Thanks"

I nodded, "Your welcome." I picked up my own pencil and started on my own test.

Once the test was over I walked over to the picnic area with Aziz.

"Aziz, Yu Yan!" Lonnie calls from one of the tables where she was seated with Ally, and Jordan.

"Hey girls," Aziz greets as we take a seat. He looks around, "Where's Jane?"

Jordan gestures over to a table where Audrey and her supposed court were seated.

"Jane seems to think with her new look that she's all of a sudden better than us," Ally tells us.

Jordan sneers, "If that's better than I'm okay with being worse."

"Enough of that," Lonnie interjects. "How did your test go."

Aziz takes out his test that had a red B on the top.

Jordan tilts her head at me, "And you Yu Yan?"

I held out my paper that had a red A+ at the top.

Ally blinks, "Wow."

I grin, "I mean Mr. Deley is a good teacher and everything but back at Dragon Hall we have Yen Sid as a chemistry teacher so..."

Jordan fans herself, "It's hot today."

"It is," Aziz agrees. "Hey! Why don't we go to the lake."

I sit up, "The Lake."

"Yeah there's a lake a few miles from here," Ally tells me.

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