The Abduction: Entry 01

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Not all stories would start of from rainbows and butterflies, some are unique, some would rather call them exquisite and others prefer to call them normal. We are living in a vast and yet cruel world, and this is the story of how I came to be me.

[Zack's Point of View]

I lived with my Grandma's place for about 6 years. I was suppose to attend at a private school near our house at a certain subdivision. Everything was set and at that time, my uncle and auntie were there to visit Grandma and had a nice relaxing vacation at the mountains.

I was at the balcony at that moment together with my Grandpa playing a nice game of chess, then unexpectedly someone rang the doorbell and I could see a familiar face by the gate.

"Open the Gate Zack." - Grandpa Said

I immediately   then ran over the gate to se who it was, and when I reached the gate. I was lost with words like WHAT THE F*CK!? It was my f*cking dad in front of me. In the flesh! I was immediately filled with mixed emotions but joy was the one that enveloped me the most.

I opened the gate and ran back inside the house and called everyone to meet my father. I was overjoyed by the fact that he had returned home. Everybody was at the living room talking and I sat beside my father smiling the f*ck out of that ignorant little brat's brain.

Dad looked at me and smiled back and looked at the direction where my Grandma was sitting. He then asked permission for us both to go out both on a father-son bonding trip or so he says quote on quote. 

At first Grandma really didn't agreed to my father's demands but arrogantly I forced Grandma into saying yes, and little did I know that it would be the most crucial decision I had made over  my entire life. It was the turn point of everything right, morphing into everything wrong.

"Let's get going Son, before it gets dark." - Dad said with a smile

I then immediately went to Grandma and Grandpa to hug them good byes. Kids do that you know, especially when you really love that person, so don't judge me the way I act when I was at my toddle days.

Even though I was that excited, I was really sleepy at that moment. Bearing drowsy eyes slouching along the road whilst continuous yawning came out of my mouth.

After reaching the highway, we got on a car and we were going the exact opposite on where the food stalls were. At the moment I was a bit confused, but knowing me when I was a kid, I nearly payed attention to the things that are happening around me.

"Dad, where are we going?" - I asked

Dad then smile at me and pointed at the back of the vehicle. As I took a look, it was a really cool rover of some sort, it looked like a big muscle car that carries this vibe that makes you shrivels.

"That's our ride Son, pretty cool huh?" - Boasted my Dad

I mean look at it!? Sh*t that really looks dope, it heightened my excitement even more and it gave me goose bumps.

We then got of a stop and transferred vehicles and I got on the muscle car like Sh*t!!! I dreamt of having one of these mother f*ckers when I grow up and I'm riding one right now! Sh*t just got real, and I was smiling the f*ck out. I looked like Peny Wise without his wig.

After getting on the vehicle, I saw my Tito and Tita upfront and they greeted me and yeah. a lot of hugs and kisses where given. sweet words were spoken and smiles enveloped the car.

Though it  felt like my eye lids were about to drop and I could feel my head getting dizzy. As my consciousness start to fade away I could still here them talking about something. I tried to fight the drowsiness but what else could I do, I'm still a kid bearing a weak willed mind.

A few moments later I suddenly collapsed and fell asleep. I was out cold and I was deep asleep the whole road trip. I couldn't feel a thing that time, then all of a sudden... BAAM!!!

I was surprised as f*ck and it woke me up and I was f*cking pissed. Like sh*t, you don't want to wake me up when I'm sleeping.

I got up pissed and I saw that there were cars surrounding us. My face was wrecked and I slowly regain my strength and my consciousness.

"Where are we Dad?" - I asked him abruptly

"Where stuck at a traffic jam Son, bear with  it a little  more, we're near the place" - Dad answered

I then lie back down and I noticed that the sky has turned gray and it's getting dark, my mind was really confused at the moment. When we left my Granma's place it was still sunny and the sun was shining bright.

"Dad, did it rain?" I asked

"Uhhhh" - Dad then looked at the sky. "It's going to rain Son, but don't worry about it" - Dad replied

You know kids, they really never pay attention to anything but the things that they want and elt me tell you this. Kids are selfish little b*stards. Like f***ck..... Those spoiled little sons of b*tches. And I know this because I am one of them, like I would always want this want that and I would force my Grandma to buy it for me. But little did I know, adults were much more worse than children, they're f*cked up. Big Time!!!

I just continued to lie at the seat and the car then stopped and parked, I got up and saw a really cool restaurant and then everyone started to go out of the car. So I got out of it in a hurry then stretched my ass out of the car. 

We had our fill and I was so full, I was a beast at the table like f*ck everything else, I'm f*cking hungry so stay out of my business hahaha, and everything was well, then my Dad would take me back home, or se he claims to...

[To be Continued]

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