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The boy stood there in front of me, his face showed that he is very tired. "Hello, I'm drake" I said. " I'm Ryan " he said and he stood there. Starnge reply, I expected something more, like " hello nice to meet you ", but this guy just told his name.
To make the conversation less awkward , I was about to say something, suddenly "let me get inside" ( the benches are dual desk joint together, and was kept beside the window wall ).
I didn't said anything and let him enter . The teacher entered the class.


Half period was over, I turned my head and saw Ryan sleeping and was snoring lightly. "Hey man , you wanna stay after school for detention?? Get up." But it was of no vain. He kept sleeping till the class ended.
Next is our Art class , so we all assembled in the art room.
Today we were asked to draw our partner's sketch. Everyone grouped with one another, I was left alone.
Then my eyes fell on the door and I saw Ryan entering the class. Many girls offered him to join their group, but he sliently came and sat in the chair in front of me.
' why did he joined me?is it because felt pity for me, or maybe he wants to be friends with me' I thought.


The class was about to end and I wasn't able to complete my sketch. Ryan was really very handsome, but is eyes were pale and his was messy. Suddenly he took my sketch book and started drawing in it , within 10 mins he completed sketching himself. He gave me my sketch book as well as his own and left
I looked at his sketch of mine , it was superb. Now I really want to be friends with him.


THE SLEEPY GUYWhere stories live. Discover now