Chapter 9

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"Good morning" I said, watching as Jacob came downstairs, dragging his feet along. I closed my transfiguration book over, tucking it back into my bag as I stood up.

"I wish it was a good morning" Jacob grumbled.

"Why wouldn't it be, it's our first morning at Hogwarts" Daisy said, jumping up from her seat.

"It's too early, why can't breakfast be later" He said as we walked out through the common room door.

"Because, we have classes, you can sleep in as much as you wish on the weekends" Daisy said, leading us towards the great hall. Jacob muttered some incoherent words under his breath as we made our way towards the noisy hall.

"Cheer up, we get to experience class today" I said.

"Hooray" Jacob replied sarcastically, throwing his hands in the air and waving them about. Daisy gave him an odd look.

"Don't be such a downer, come on, it'll be fun" I said, grinning as we walked back into the great hall. I looked over to the Ravenclaw table, giving Rose a smile as I made eye contact with her. She gave a smile back, along with a small wave.

"Oh, I need to send an owl to my parents about my house" He said, looking down and letting out a large sigh.

"It'll be fine, Hufflepuff isn't a bad house, maybe it'll do some good to have a different house to the rest of your family, it shows that Weasleys can be different" I said, putting a small amount of breakfast on my plate.

"Yeah" He said smiling slightly, before he grimaced. I stared at him curiously.

"Ron has no manners" He said. I turned around, seeing Ron basically shovelling food into his mouth.

"That's exactly what my brother Dudley does" I said, turning back around, a sick feeling coming to my stomach.

"He must have an amazing metabolism" Daisy exclaimed.

"A metabo what?" Jacob said, a confused look covering his face.

"A metabolism" Daisy said. I tuned out of their conversation, turning instead, to the subject timetable that had been placed in front of me. I looked to see the day starting with Transfiguration, something that made me happy, before being followed by potions.

"Oh look, we're in the same classes too" Jacob said, comparing his timetable to mine. Daisy also stuck hers in.

"Yay" She said, clapping her hands. "Come on, hurry and finish, class starts soon" She said, clearing her plate.

"Sure, sure" Jacob said, finishing his breakfast. I had already finished mine so we all stood and began to make our way towards the place we were told our first class was held. After a few wrong turns, we had found our way to the classroom, and we entered, already seeing a few students and the teacher.

"Welcome, please take a seat" Professor McGonagall said. I smiled, hopping over to one of the tables.

"What do we do, they're only in tables of two?" I asked, looking at both of my new friends.

"It's okay, you two sit together, i'll probably try and snatch a seat with Rose" Daisy said, sitting at the table opposite us.

"Good idea" I said, grinning as I took a seat on the side closest to Daisy, and directly beside Jacob. "It means i'm stuck with him though" I whispered to Daisy, just loud enough for Jacob to hear.

"Hey, I heard that" He growled, hitting me lightly on my arm before beginning his letter to his family back home.

"Hey Rose" I said as she walked in, I waved her over.

"Hi guys" She said quietly.

"Do you want to sit here? I saved the seat for you" Daisy said, gesturing to the empty space beside her. Rose grinned, giving Daisy a thankful look before talking a seat and placing her books onto the empty table.

"Quiet please class" McGonagall said from the front. Immediately the class became silent, waiting to see what the teacher would say.

"Now, i'm not sure about your other classes, but I will assure you all that I do not tolerate rule breaking, distraction or tardiness. Consequences will apply if work is turned in late or not at all, or if anyone is speaking whilst I am" She said, directing a stern look towards two girls at the back of the class that were whispering to each other. Once they had stopped, the class went on, we were lectured on what was expected in this class as well as what would be covered. I came out of the class with high spirits.

"I'm so excited to start learning about transfiguration, it sounds fascinating" I said with wide eyes, walked by my new friends sides as we made our way to our next class, Potions.

"Come on, i'm sure that potions will be much more exciting then that" Jacob said, pulling us along faster.

"Woah, slow down mate, you're going to pull my arm off" Daisy said, yanking her arm out of Jacob's grip. She turned to ask Rose if she was okay, as she had almost been dragged down the hall as she gripped onto Daisy's arm so she didn't get lost.

"Just because you are keen doesn't mean the rest of us are" I said, rubbing my arm.

"Sorry" Jacob said, walking at a much slower pace down the stairs, heading towards the dungeon. I rolled my eyes, following along, closely tagged by the girls. We found a small group of students standing outside a door so we stood with them, waiting for the teacher. The door opened and we were greeted by a man in dark black robes.

"In" He sneered. I already didn't like the tone to his voice, but I wasn't about to judge him so early on. I walked in quietly, taking a seat beside Jacob towards the middle of the room. Once we were all seated, the teacher stood at the front, a silence enveloping the classroom from just one look.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper in death — if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

I looked over to see Jacob hanging off the front of his chair, completely entranced by the introduction speech to the class. I held in a laugh as I quickly looked back to the teacher, not wanting to get in trouble on my first day. If I was going to get in trouble, this class would be the most likely. He got us writing almost instantly, and by the end of the class there was a throbbing pain in my left hand. We weren't allowed to take a break from the writing, otherwise we would be met by a cold glare.

"As much as the subject seems interesting, if we have to write anymore information next lesson, someone's going to wind up dead, and i'll make it look like an accident" Daisy threatened, massaging her sore hand.

"I'm sure we'll be doing more interesting things next lesson, besides, now we have plenty of information for the future" Jacob said, grinning brightly.

"Well, I assure with that work on top of the homework we got given, potions is not going to be a favourite of mine" Rose stated.

"Who wants to come with me to send off this letter?" Jacob said, pretending not to be hurt by what Rose said regarding potions.

"I will" I said, smiling at my friend as we parted ways. This was going to be one long year if all the classes were like that.

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