Week 1

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Each of you will be assigned with another person. Your job is to read at least 3 chapters of the author's book (if the book has less than three chapters then just read all of them).

This week starts from 5th June and ends 12th June.

After you've read it, you have to comment a review. Your comment should look like this.

"Explore: book club review. What I like about this book is ... what I don't like about this book is... what I think can be improved is... the overall rating I give the book is..."

You have one week to complete the assignment. After you're done, comment "done" on this chapter. If your partner fails to complete the assignment in the given time, you can come to me and I'll deal with the problem.

Now, who's book should you be reading?

WayTooCrazy04 will read lel250505 's book.

lel250505 will read littleangel056 's

littleangel056 will read ShiroArts 's

ShiroArts will read laciecarpenter 's

And laciecarpenter will read WayTooCrazy04

If there are any confusions, comment and I'll reply. Don't PM me as there is a problem with my PMs and I can not reply.

Note: the review must be commented and not PMed so I can see that the task has been completed. After one week, you are free to delete the comment, but don't delete it before I've seen it.

Also, make sure you read the right book. If you're not sure which book the author wants you to read, go over to the previous chapter and read the book next to the author's username.

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