Zion Imagine pt. 3

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Imagine that, you get woken up by a phone call, FROM SAYON. You answer it and he starts yelling about how "YOU FORGOT TO TRANSFER MY V-Bucks for FORKNIFE". You answer with "calm down sayon, I transferred it yesterday". He yells back "wEll it's not there!". You look through ur bank account and it shows a transaction was made for V-bucks, but you don't know what happened. You tell him "baby calm down". He yells "ESKETIT. BABY? DONT CALL ME BABY". You say, "sorry, I meant to call you, Sayon. Now Sayon, I transferred them" . He replies with "CLEARLY YOU DIDN'T, CUZ THEY AREN'T THERE". You quickly think about what happened the night before and remember that one of your hoes from Snapchat had asked you to buy them V-bucks, so you transferred them into the account. You explain this to Zion, but he doesn't care, he says "SEE I knew you weren't reliable. I BET you don't even care". You lie and say "OF coursE I caRe". he says "yeah right, I never want to talk to you again, and it's 'ZION' with a 'Z' not 'SAYON' or whatever the hell you feel like calling me". Zion hangs up on you and you start crying. You get on insta live and try to expose him, but no one likes you, so nobody believes you. They all call you "malulu" and you have a little because you're a clout chaser. You start getting sad again at the thought of loosing sayon and you never speak to him again, but bellydancing is life so you'll live.

And everyone except Malulu lived happily ever after...

This was actual trash. The first one was the best, but I wanted to get it over with. Yeehaw 🤠

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