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7:25pm; Same day...

Calm down. You can do this without having to ruin the dumbest dinner party you ever attended.

Like come on this shit has no meaning.

Now I really hate dinner parties!

I had several thoughts running through my mind. Right now, I'm on my way to the Santana's Mansion which happens to be the venue for the dinner party. I'm actually late, everyone left about thirty minutes ago, five minutes earlier which means the occasion started 7:00.

"Uh Ray, how many more minutes we got before arriving at that place." I ask my driver, now going through my phone randomly.

He replies, "In about 7 minutes sir."

I sighed loudly as I loose the knot of my tie a bit. The air conditioner in the car is on highest yet I'm feeling so hot....on the inside. Just hoping with all my heart and soul that I'm not making a huge ass mistake agreeing to all these.

Few minutes of comfortable silence later, I felt the car come to a halt causing me to wind down the tinted window of the car. Well, I was full time on my phone not paying any mind to anything else.

Woah! Fair enough...

I mentally told myself at the sight of the nice glass house we arrived at.

At least for the first time father was....right.

About the wealth these people had.

Alighting from the car, I adjusted myself brushing off nonexistent dust from my outfit. Call me extra but it doesn't matter I just do this when I'm uninterested and in such sticky situations.

The whole environment/premises was looking so flashy with neon lights, flowery hints etc on the upper terrace, walls, almost every corner of the house as designs.

The security was quite tight, might I add.

I made my way to the front entrance, the doors opening on their own revealing a room filled with what looked like a hundred people or so. Properly arranged with pink and silver theme nothing beyond the ordinary though, I guess I'm feeling this way since I'm not happy with anything going on in here.

Hearing whispers from different parts of the room as I walked in, from several pretty looking girls which I'm sure are familiar with me and my status. Few seconds of flirtatious/lustful looks later causing me to roll my eyes, I sighted my father among a group of men with a wine glass containing what looks like champagne.

I'm sure is champagne.

I was about to dodge him and go look for my Mom, when...

"Aha! Taymor my son, come over here champ. Over here c'mon." Fuck!

My father called out for me, I huffed before plastering a fake smile on my face as I went over to where he stood.

His smile was so wide on his face I thought his cheeks were going to snap.

"Gentlemen, this is my son Taymor, a true McIntyre. The General Overseer of the entire money plant in the family and more. Tay meet my friends might be familiar with a few since you've signed a lot of cheques and papers with their name on it." He joked patting my back as I stood beside him trying my best to keep my smile which was slowly but surely fading away.

I hate receiving accolade from this man.

He continued, "James, this is your future son in-law."

I turned to the direction he was referring to, a fairly young looking man in probably his early 40s was standing there with a warm smile on his bearded face.

I smiled back. Obviously!

"Why you standing over there now, come here stop acting all shy and shit, I ain't finna give my child to you if you acting all pussy-like."

Everyone around us started laughing, I couldn't hide mine either. Ole man seems chill.

I say, "Nah, there's a difference between that which you said and what I'm doing. I'm observing you know."

The laughter died down completely, I smirked before it came back even louder.

Alright then!

"Okay, I believe you son. You ready to meet your soon-to-be life partner?" James said.

It's not like I got a choice, I nodded reluctantly.

Just then, all the lights got dim. Overdramatic ass helluvas.

From the little light shed, a figure was coming down the stairs slowly until they stopped with their outfit shining clearly.

The lights came back on making me squint a bit at the harsh impact it had on my eyes.

Then, I looked forward to see.....him.

I MUST say, I can't believe even he's a male. I mean who will with all these features; Perfect hips, tiny waist....staring a bit harder, he has ti--

Tay, control yourself.

I haven't even seen his face properly.

"Princess. Come on my dear." I heard James say, sounding really proud and excited.

My eyes were still fixated on this lovely piece of human.

Surely, if he should walk up to Donald Trump right now with a poisoned apple, Donny will gladly eat it and die with a satisfied smile on his scrawny face.

As he strudded down the rest of the stairs carefully, coming into view fully, my brows raised in curiousity now recognizing his face.

He seemed to have remembered as well cause his head tilted to side a bit now looking at me intently. I did the same.

Then he came standing before me, I saw his face fall and eyes widen. Yup! It's him. Our next word came out in unison.


Filler. I've been reading other people's work that I've forgotten mine, can you imagine 😭❤

𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫 - 𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭.Where stories live. Discover now