Puppet X Ballora

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Human Animatronic x Human Animatronic

Requested by balloraiscool.

Ballora was sitting in her room listening to her music box as her minireenas ran around. One minireena named Bell ran up to Ballora and jumped into her lap.

"Mommy?" Bell asked. "What's wrong?"

She looked up at her mommy, worried because Ballora usually danced all the time, but now she was just sitting on her stage, listening to her music box.

"Nothing, honey." Ballora said softly to Bell.

But she was lying. She was, in truth, lonely. Not physically, of course. She had the minireenas.But there was a hole in her heart that even Bell couldn't fill.

She sighed and decided to talk to Baby about it.

"Bell, I'm going to spend some time with auntie Baby, okay?"

"Ok, mommy, but can I visit uncle Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon?"

"Sure, Bell." Ballora said, picking up the little minireena and walking to the breaker room.

"B-bon-Bon? Where a-are y-y-you?" Ballora heard Freddy's glitching voice, calling out to Bon-Bon.

Freddy was playing hide-and-seek with Bon-Bon, but he couldn't find her. Bell giggled and pointed to the top of Freddy's head.

Bon-Bon was piggybacking on Freddy's top hat, wearing her removable legs, giggling when Freddy noticed and tried to grab her.

Bon-Bon hopped off Freddy's head and into Ballora's arms, jumping on top of Bell and smothering her in a hug.

Ballora and Freddy laughed and Ballora set Bell and Bon-Bon on the couch. (Yes, they have furniture.)

"Hey Freddy, do you know where Baby is?" Ballora asked Freddy.

"Y-yeah, I think t-t-that she is in circus gal-l-lery. Why?" Freddy answered.

"I just needed to talk to her. Thanks Freddy!" Ballora said, skipping off.

Ballora entered the control module through the vents.

Upon seeing Funtime Foxy and Ennard playing poker with the night guard, Michael, she gave a short wave and continued on.

Ballora entered the circus control module.

It was all dark, due to one of Funtime Foxy's pranks going too far and knocking out the light.

Luckily, Ballora was smart, so she stole Michael's flashlight going through the control module.

Michael didn't even notice. Too bad for him.

"Baby?" Ballora called.

No response.

Ballora shined her flashlight everywhere, but no Baby.

Ballora was about to go back when something glinted off the light of her flashlight.

It was another vent shaft.

"There wasn't a vent shaft here before, was there?" Ballora thought out loud.

She then rembered that there used to be boxes piled there when Baby was under maintenance.

"Oh, yeah. The boxes. Well, it couldn't hurt to explore, could it? At least until Baby comes back." Ballora decided.

Ballora pulled off the vent shaft cover and climbed inside. It wasn't long before she reached the other side.

When Ballora crawled out, she heard music. It sounded like her music box, but a different tune.

She shined her flashlight around, finally landing on a large gift-like box with a smaller wind-up box, like those jack-in-the-boxes, on top.

Ballora noticed a sticky note on the smaller box, so she walked over to it and plucked it off the box. It said:

~Note to self:
Under no circumstances, should this music box ever become unwound. Wind at least once every two hours.

Ballora put down the note and picked up the small box. She noticed under the little hand crank to wind up the box was a little timer, counting down.

To be continued...

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