Chapter 10

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~Lauren's pov-

My heart dropped , I couldn't say anything , " Lauren are you there ? Lauren?" I hear matt say from the other end of the phone . My body goes numb I drop the phone and stand there in shock . "Princess what's wrong?"I hear cam say as he grabs the phone off the ground . "Matt are you there?" He asks . "Yeah bro I'm here" Matt replies . Matt continues to tell cameron what had happened to carter . While the boys are talking and cam is getting the directions to the hospital carter is at . I run upstairs and grab as much stuff as I could fit in my hands , since we are probably going to spend the night at the hospital with carter .

~Carter's pov~

I can't believe what Lauren and cam did . Especially when I thought cam knew that me and Matt both loved her aswell . I decided to go for a walk . It's really dark but I have my phone , since everyone kept calling me I turned it off . I've been walking for what seems like hours . I hear toots of horns and swerving of tires . I turn to see what's going on , all I can see is a massive bright light in my eyes , I try to look through the light but I can't , I suddenly feel a shock of pain rush through my body , I can feel myself fall to the ground , I look into the sky , I see the stars and the moon shinning bright . I feel a big tear drop escape my eye before everything goes black.

Once Matt tells us the directions to the hospital , we quickly grab the stuff for our over night stay and rush out the door . My heart is literally beating out of my chest at this point , I can't think , see or even hear anything . We run to the car , I chuck Cam the keys , jump in the car and slam the door to make sure it's closed. I turned my head towards Cameron and gave him a nod to indicate I was ready for whatever state Carter would be in . After what seemed like hours of driving , we finally got to the hospital . "Hi there, what room is Carter Reynolds in" Cameron asks politely . "Room 7, ward 4" the lady responds . We walk as fast as we could to the elevator and waited as if slowly came down to pick us up . When we got to ward 4 we ran down the hall watching the numbers as we zoom by. "There is is, room 7" I yell as I point to the room . The door was closed so Cam gently knocked and open the door slowly as if he was afraid of what he might see . We walked in to see what seemed like a lifeless body laying down on the bed . I went over and sat on the bed next to him , I gently grab his cold hand, "Carter , I'm so sorry , it was never meant to happen like this , trust me . But we have to heal the past, live the present and dream the future, and only we can do that for ourselves . We all love you so much and we need you here with us , we need your support as much as we need it". I tell him as years roll down my face . He turns his head to face me."Lolo I'm not mad at you , I never will be , no matter what you do , even this" he says with a nod and look at my stomach . "Even you Cam , your one of my best mates , and nothing will ever change that , I just needed some space , some time alone , I wasn't think and this is my consequence . He says with a tear drop escaping his big brown eye. "The doctor said I'm very lucky to still have my legs , they got stuck under the car , and they had to operate straight away" he tells us flicking the blankets off his legs , showing us how they were wrapped in white bandages and casts . We sat talking with him for hours until we got tired at decided to head home . Matt came to be with Carter while we weren't there .

It's been a few weeks since Carter's been in hospital , he came out yesterday and I'm due a check up today at the doctors , just to check how the baby is going . The appointment is at 1pm and Cameron told me he would take me after he checked up on Carter to see how he's doing . After a while it's time to see the doctor . Me an Cam walk in the room hand in hand . "Good afternoon" the doctor says while showing me to the bed . I lay down as cam grabs a seat and the doctor is getting the ultrasound ready. I am so nervous that it's not even funny , I'm scared of what this doctor will think of me even though she's probably seen a lot of teenage pregnancies. "Now this will be pretty cold " she says with a cheeky smile on her face . She places the gel and wand on my stomach . "Ohh" I say surprised with how cold it actually is . "Hmm seems to be very healthy " he says turning the picture of my stomach towards me and Cam . Cameron grabs my hand and smiles at me and looks back at the screen . "Now I'm not sure if you two knew this but there is actually 2 little heart beats in there " she says pointing at the screen . "So this means I'm having twins?" I ask nervously and excited at the same time .


Whoa omg I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever!!

I know it's really short but I really wanted to end the chapter with the twins bit .

Thank you all for reading this book , it's my first ever book and I'm so surprised with how many views it's actually had !! 💕💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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