Chapter 4

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Sorry the last chapter was so short , I just wanted to end the chapter at the kissing part 💕


We kisses softly for about 10 seconds before we pulled away because we were so tired . I woke up in the morning with none of the boys around me , I ran into the bathroom to check if I looked okay (you know just a girly thing). I walked down stairs "guys where the hell are you" I yelled "in the kitchen" Matt shouted . I made my way down the the kitchen to find a fully made breakfast "hey princess" carter said "we made breakfast for you" Matt while flipping the last pancake . I felt hands on my waist , it was Cam hugging me from behind "morning beautiful" he said kissing my cheek. I smiled "what's all this for" I asked . " for you Lolol" Matt and Carter said at the same time . " hurry up then I'm hungry" I said while winking . I ate so much I feel like I'm going to explode. "Lolol can I talk to you in private" cam said . "Sure" I said curiously while I followed him to the backyard. "Lauren I've liked you ever since the day we met and you can't tell me you felt nothing when we kissed last night so I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend". I couldn't stop smiling ."aww Cam would I be able to think about it" "sure gorgeous just give me an answer soon" we walked back inside , then Matt came up to me . " Lauren can I please ask you something" he asks while pulling me into the lounge , I just nodded . " will you go out with me Lauren" . " omg really and you cam have both asked me out now" I saw we has jealous , he was getting mad . " Matt I'll think about it okay" . He nodded while looking down. I felt my phone vibrate , it was a text from carter.

From Carter (;

Heyy Lolol I didn't want to ask you infront of very tone but do you think you would want to be my girlfriend ? xx

To Carter (;

Omg Matt,Cam and you have all asked me out now , I just don't know , I'll think about it though (:

From Carter (;

Ohhhh >:( ok

I could tell we was pretty mad. I asked the boys if they wanted to go to the beach today . " sure" they all said "we will just get out stuff". I nodded and got my stuff too.

We finally got to the beach, I decided to go tan cause I was pretty white , I was wearing a red and white stripped bikini with a bow on the top half , Matt ,Carter and cam kept starring at me . " what are you cuties looking at huh" . They all quickly looked away . I giggled and turned over .they run up behind me , " this is what you get for being so beautiful " Cam yelled and they all picked me up and started running towards the water "you boys better put me down now or your all going to get it" " I screamed . "Get what " carter yelled back and Matt just laughed. Next thing I know I'm in thrown in the water , "that's what you get for being so hot Lolol" " you get wet (;"


Sorry this chapter was short too

Lauren your gay btw (;

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