Waking Up

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Y/n's POV:

"are you sure there's nothing you can do doc?" I hear a voice ask.

"...not for now, we'll have to see if she wakes up on her own," another voice responds.

I hear a knock, "Come in."

??? POV:

I slightly knock on the door, "Come in."

I tiptoe through the door and do a small wave, Laurance's mouth drops open, "Hi guys."

Y/n's POV:

I hear a very familiar voice and I sit up, "Mya?"

"Oh sweet Jesus," she runs over to me, "are you okay?"

"Y-Your hair?" I question her dark brown hair with purple and navy blue tips.

She grabs it and laughs, "Oh yeah. That, enough about me! How'd this happen?"

"I honestly don't remember," I say in all honesty.

Just then some other people bust through the door, "OMG Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Aphmau, Aaron, Daniel, Dottie, Travis, Garroth, and Blaze all run in. 

Blaze stops when he sees Mya, "M-Mya. It's been a while.."

"It has...Blaze," she hesitates and awkwardly plays with her fingers.

"Mya, how did you know I was hurt?" I ask.

She points to Laurance, "That guy still had my number from high school."

I giggle, "I didn't even notice Laurance was there."

"Hey!" he yells and comes over to me, he kisses me on the lips.

Mya's still the same, super dramatic, "Ew. Get a room you two!"

"Someone hasn't changed," Travis laughs, "you wanna go out sometime?"

"You haven't changed either," she smiles, I notice Blaze is staring at her.

Dottie walks over to Blaze and wraps an arm around him, "Blaze, come help me get a snack out of the machine."

"Can't you do that yourself?" he asks and takes her arm off her.

She grits her teeth and smiles, "Blaze? Please?"

We all talk for a while as Blaze and Dottie go get, "snacks."

Mya leans and whispers in my ear, "Do you think Dottie's just trying to get Blaze away from me?"

"If I'm being honest, yes," I say back, "Dottie likes Blaze, but Blaze is clueless."

She laughs, "He's the same as he used to be."

Her smile fades and I nudge her, "Did you know he was gonna be here?"

She notices I saw her smile fade, she grins again, "Nah, but I mean. It doesn't matter, it was a silly high school relationship."

I raise my eyebrows, "My relationship with Laurance wasn't silly, we're married now!"

"Well, you're perfect. Laurance is perfect, your relationship is perfect! I've had three boyfriends since then, they all sucked," she smiles, "I'm happy you married your high school sweetheart."

We all talk for a while and catch up with our old friend.

Blaze's POV:

"You better not go all falling in love with your high school crush on me," Dottie says, "you have someone else in your life now."

"Who?" I question.

"Me you dummy!" she yells.

"We're not together," I say, "I can date whoever I want Dottie."

"But we love each other," she does puppy eyes.

"As a friend, maybe. I promised her we would keep in contact, I haven't talked to her in about 6 years," I explain.

"Fine, fine," she says and we start walking back.

Once we arrive to the hospital room again, I see Mya glance my way. I shoot her a smile, but she looks away from me. I really messed up big time.

Mya's POV:

I really do miss loving Blaze, but Dottie's always hated me. She seems nice, but I know she hates my guts..plus Blaze broke his promise. He promised me we'd make it work, just like we always did. After the first two years I didn't hear from him, I started gaining trust issues. That's why my other relationships haven't worked out, I kept thinking Blaze would find me. I keep seeing him look at me, but I'm trying to not make eye contact. Blaze comes up to me after a while and starts joking with me. I laugh and joke back, maybe we can be good friends. 

"How've you been Mya?" Blaze asks me.

I shrug, "I graduated from college as an actress."

"Oh! That's cool, we should hang out more. When we're not at a hospital," he jokes.

"Uh, yeah! Of course, I haven't been here for long though. I don't even know if I'm staying," I say.

"You should," he says, "they've got some open houses in our neighborhood."

I raise an eyebrow, "I might..."

Blaze's POV:

How is it possible for someone to get hotter over the years? Dude, she is still as funny as ever. I feel like a jerk for not keeping that promise at the airport. I need to make it up to her. 

Aaron's POV:

"Guys!" I yell, "Now that Y/n's awake."

"WE'RE GOING TO STARLIGHT!" Laurance yells.

Mya smiles at them, "This is going to be so great for you guys!"

Y/n frowns, "You're not going?"

"Well I wasn't in-" 

Laurance slaps a ticket/passport in Mya's hand, "Get your stuff, you're going to Starlight!"

Mya's mouth drops open, "Oh my Irene, what the heck? I just got here and now I'm going to a very expensive theme park."


THE BOOK IS BACK ON!! WOOHOO! Before you carry on reading the other chapters to come, read the short story. It would make a lot more sense if you read that, anyways. More chapters coming soon!


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