He continues to stare as the young girl hums quietly, while keeping her eyes locked on the book in her hands. At the sound of his footsteps, she suddenly stops reading only to look up and let out a squeal, one that he found adorable.
Her already ro...
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he set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her.
I continue to stare at her and can't help but have a soft expression on my face. She has that effect on me and I have no fucking clue why.
I watch as she sits at her desk, swinging her legs back and forth under the chair. I can tell she's concentrating by the way she sticks her tongue out a bit.
My eyes darken at the thought of what- No, stop. She's too pure for you to be thinking like that.
"Seth, are you paying attention man?"
I snap out of my thoughts and turn to look at Dustin. "Sorry, what did you say?"
He rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna ignore the fact that you were just checking out my sixteen year old sister and start over." He sends me a small glare.
I can't help it. She's intriguing.
"Anyways, the reason why i've been hiding her is very important." He begins, watching me intently. "You can probably tell that she doesn't quite act her age and that's because she has DPD, Dependent Personality Disorder. She always has to be with someone she trusts and she'll get anxious if she isn't." He explains, quiet enough to where she can't hear us.
That's why she's so innocent. She must not be around other people a lot.
"I've kept her in homeschooling and it's pretty obvious why. I can't be with her twenty four seven and she can't be on her own for too long without getting upset. But I decided to let you meet her because..." He trails off reluctantly. "I want to put her in public school."
My jaw clenches at this new information. He literally just said he can't leave her alone. "Why now?"
I already have this extreme urge to protect her. That's why I wouldn't hesitate to hurt anyone who touched one hair on her precious little head.
"Keeping her locked up in this house is taking a toll on her, I can tell. That's why i'm doing this." Dustin sighs. "Allowing you to meet her was a hard decision. I'd do anything for my baby sister, especially anything to protect her. Correct me if i'm wrong, but it's clear that you already care about her, yeah?" I send him a single nod. "If I do put her in public school, i'll need you to look after her when I can't." He tells me, his voice filled with hope. "I'm trusting you, as my best friend."
I run my hands through my hair unsurely. "What if I can't protect her?"
What if i'm not there when some asshole picks on her? Or what if she gets too anxious and I can't help her? I have no experience in dealing with people who have the same disorder as Daisy, or any other disorder for that matter.