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she likes to see the best in people,i like to see the truth

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she likes to see the best in people,
i like to see the truth.



I roll my eyes as the teacher places the detention slip on my desk.

"You better fix that attitude before I have to call your mother." Mr. Shitface tells me as he glares at me from his desk. I scoff.

Little does he know she's dead.

Obviously his name isn't actually Mr. Shitface, that's just what I call him. I know what his real name is, but I think what I call him is more fitting.

The bell rings so I stand up from my seat and take the detention slip with me, only to throw it in the bin on my way out.

I wasn't planning on going anyways.

As always I keep my face void of any emotion as I walk down the halls. It's lunch time so that means I'm meeting up with Dustin, my best friend and basically the only person I actually tolerate.

"Hey man." He says as I take a seat at our table.

I nod. "What's up?"

"Wanna come over to my place tomorrow? There's something I wanna show you." He offers with a grin, a slightly nervous one, might I add. "And hey, you'll finally get to see the dead bodies i've been hiding."

He's referring to the fact that i've never been to his house. For some reason he's been weird about not letting me come over, which is why I believe he's hiding dead bodies.

I shrug. "Why not, maybe i'll find out what secret you've really been hiding from me for the past four years."

He rolls his eyes. "It was for a good reason, you'll see."

We've been friends for four years but he's never let me go to his house. Not once. We've always hung out at mine since I live alone. Whenever I ask him why, he says, "You'll find out one day.".

I guess tomorrow is that day.

"Anyways," Our...friend, I guess you could call him, Jackson interrupts. "Yesterday I went to the movies and ran into this really hot girl. Like literally ran into her and accidentally spilled my nachos on her. She was totally into me though." He smirks and leans back into his chair with his arms folded across his chest.

Austin, another person at our table, scoffs. "She poured her drink on you and called you every curse word in the English dictionary, I don't think she was that interested."

Jackson raises an eyebrow. "Trust me, I could see it in her eyes. She wanted me."

I mentally roll my eyes at him. Dumbass.

"Speaking of girls, Why haven't you found one yet Seth?" Daniel, the only person I dislike at this table, asks with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know." I tell him, eating a fry off of my tray, while looking at him blankly.

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