#11-Third Person POV

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{ik kenzie's birthday was yesterday.i didn't have time to post the whole event that happened with that chapter.i also wanted to leave a bit of a cliffhanger too.so please don't come after me saying - kEnZie's bIrThDay wAs yEsTeRdAy yOuR lAtE. Anyway,enough of the chitter chatter and let's get onto this chapter!}
The whole group was making a surprise group chat to meet Kenzie on her birthday.Brynn's mom finally said yes-and their dream was finally coming true.They finally all got to meet their internet best friends! They were the happiest of the bunch-and nothing could change that.
The group all got Kenzie presents. Annie got Mackenzie a photo collage,Brynn,Nadia,Ruby and  Jayden got Kenzie a "Reasons Why I love you" board,Lauren got Mackenzie a cute top-and wrote a long paragraph in a piece of paper,William got her perfume,Hayden got her a bracelet-and Johnny. Johnny got Mackenzie a valuable present. Very valuable and beautiful-in his opinion. "Just like her." He whispered quietly.
Annie texted the surprise group chat Mackenzie's address,and the whole group planned this a week ahead so they can have everything perfect to meet Kenzie. This was going to be great,and they all pictured it.
Brynn asking her mom to go alone was the toughest part. Her mom thought she would get kidnapped,or that Mackenzie wouldn't even be a real person. Ashlee Rumfallo was the toughest in the crowd,and Brynn had to try to get that off the table.
Hayden was nervous about meeting Annie. She left him on read for a week,and he doesn't know what he did wrong. He was scared,and didn't want to hurt the girl that he loved the most. He hasn't met her,but him and his "buckaroo" shared a special bond in his opinion. He just wished she hoped the same thing.
Nadia and Ruby both were really excited on meeting their first internet best friends. They didn't know what to expect,but they knew it would be great. They haven't seen Mackenzie in a while,so why not visit her on this special holiday?
Jayden and Mackenzie always had been great friends,pretty close,but never best friends. That didn't matter to them,Jayden was excited to finally see Mackenzie after it seems like centuries,and she loved her.
William and Lauren were excited to meet Mackenzie,but they both found each other attractive. They were nervous about meeting each other. Hopefully it was all for the best.
Johnny,oh Johnny. He fell head over heels for Mackenzie. The way she walked,the way she talked, all on Instagram,(which he totally didn't stalk) was everything he loves. Him and Annie both made this plan,and he couldn't wait to wrap her in his arms. Oh wait. Does she like me back?
Annie and Mackenzie are the best of friends,and Annie loved Mackenzie so much. She wanted to surprise her for so long- and Mackenzie's been talking about meeting- so why not now?

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