#14-Third Person POV

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"I'm finally here."Brynn said texting Hayden.
"Excuse me?You've arrived in Los Angeles." Some random dude said nudging William.
"We're here!" Lauren said.awakening Johnny from his nap. The group texted Hayden. It was good that they'd all meet up at the same airport. "Lucky for me." Whispered Hayden.
6:15 PM.
"Dyl!Come on!" Hayden yelled. He threw on a tie dye sweatshirt and black jeans with white sneakers. He took a quick picture before going to the airport.

haydensummerall ✔️: let's gooootagged 〰️ dylansummerall✔️,annieleblanc✔️,william

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haydensummerall ✔️: let's goooo
tagged 〰️ dylansummerall✔️,annieleblanc✔️,william.franklyn.miller✔️,laurenorlando88✔️,rubyroseturner✔️,nadiaturner✔️,johnnyorlando✔️ ,brynnrumfallo✔️,missjaydenb✔️, and 167,378 others.
comments :
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kenzwykl:aww bb
mackenzjessnnn:they're snakes :(
mackanne4life:hopefully there's an explanation...
hayhaylova:I think that it's 4 a good reason. Don't worry kenz.
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annieleblanc✔️: 💯
missjaydenb✔️: ❤️
rubyroseturner ✔️: 💕
nadiaturner✔️: yessss
william.franklyn.miller✔️: 👍
johnnyorlando✔️: :))
brynnrumfallo✔️:a real surprise.

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