#35-Instagram Post

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brat✔️ posted a new picture:

brat✔️ posted a new picture:

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hey guys! the secret is finally out!what you all have been waiting for

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hey guys!
the secret is finally out!what you all have been waiting for...
brat,has now come out with a new show called chicken girls!!we have an amazing cast that we love,and we hope you will love too.the cast gets along just like family!
an episode of chicken girls {season one,episode one} has come out. go onto our youtube channel-@brat to go and watch the first video!!!the cast has worked very hard on it!
here are the cast members:
@annieleblanc✔️,@haydensummerall✔️,@madslewis✔️,@rileylewis✔️,@dylanconrique✔️,@cadenconrique✔️,@carsonlueders✔️,@rushholland✔️,@brookebutler✔️,@hayley.leblanc✔️,@indiannamassara✔️,@jermiah_perkins✔️,@aliyahmoulden✔️, & @jennadavis✔️
Please go show them love on the first episode!! We love you Brat family!!💋💖
kenzie✔️:OMG!!so proud!!loved the first ep!!
annieleblanc✔️:Love u brat fam!!💖
brat✔️:love u annie!!
annieleblanxsfam:THIS IS SO COOL!!!i'm so excited!!
brynnrumfallo ✔️:YEYY!!
missjaydenb✔️:loved the first ep!!
brat ✔️:thanks jayden!!💓
haydensummerall ✔️:loved working w my fam!!💯💯
brat✔️:we 💜 u hayden!!!
rubyroseturner ✔️:ok !!i need a movie this is so good!
brat✔️:😂Thank u ruby!!the cast and brat family totally appreciates it💖💜
hannie3lov:I love how they use the purple emojis.love this show!!!
brat✔️:@hannie3lov we love u!
hannie3lov :OMG BRAT!!!

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