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3rd person
When Yoongi felt a sharp pain through his neck he fell unconscious.

Seokjin and Namjoon got out of the limousine Seokjin was carrying Yoongi, as they walked to the big house but not big like a mansion. With Namjoon a gentleman of course he opened the door for his beloved husband Jin.

"You sure he will think this is okay?" Namjoon asked Jin

"Joon, it's fine we will only put a little, since we did wanted a toddler." Jin said smiling

"But what if you put too much, we do want to teach him how to crawl." Namjoon said with a worried face

"Well, we will have to deal with it, anyways it'll be fine Joon." Jin said with a sigh

Yoongi POV
I woke up wondering if it was a dream, where I was chosen. I got up from what like a long nap, I soon realized something was wrong, when I tried to rub my eyes it was very hard to lift up my arm. Heck it made me tired just trying to move my whole body to another direction. But luckily I did, I looked around the room to see the other teenagers but I only saw a baby blue color on the wall well everywhere then looked at the bed I was on, it looked like a homemade toddler bed to fit a teen or a tween. That brings me memories at my family house, I remember being the shortest in my family even shorter than my younger sister. My parents really only loved her but never me.

Wait! Snap out of it, something is definitely wrong. When I kept on observing the room I noticed a small play pen. And when I looked at the door it was more like a toddler decorated door. Then it wasn't a dream?!

I heard footsteps coming directly to the door. I was about to scream help then I saw the man, the man that chose me.

"Aw, did our baby boy wake up?" The man said coming to me

I tried to open my mouth but I noticed I had a gag in my mouth, but- wait I have been sucking on that thing?! When I felt the man picking me up I wanted to spit the thing out but I remember spitting something out when I was with my family, I shivered down my spin and I guess the guy felt it.

"You okay? Are you cold?" He asked when he putted me down on to something.

He started to undress me, and I was a little shocked and tried to push him away. But I noticed what I was wearing. It was a kummon onesie, did they find out I liked kummon stuff?! As I was distracted in my thoughts I heard a small, "All done" from the man. I looked at my clothes again and this time it was a pink and white striped shirt with some overalls.

When he carried me it felt like I was a kid again, how mom used to carry me. I kind of felt tired so I decided to just take little nap when he carried me. But I heard the man that was carrying me talking to another person.

"How's my cute little boy?" I heard a voice that was way deeper than the man that changed me.

I looked up to see the other man that adopted me, he smiled and I saw his dimples. I don't know why but I somehow choked on my saliva and made me spit out my gag. I felt someone patting me on the back.

"Aw, does our little boy wants something to drink?" He asked to me.

I shook my head 'No' and hid my face from the man. I didn't know why I was so scared, maybe because last time I spat something out I got bruises from my old parents.

"I'll put you down in the play pen in the living room and me and daddy will make breakfast" I heard from the man that was carrying me.

I felt myself being put down into a little cage, well that's what it seemed like to me. But I saw all the toys around me I especially saw the Kummon stuffy. That's for me right? Since I am their new kid but I'm not being greedy that's just for me right? It won't hurt if I play with it a little.

I grabbed the stuffy and started playing with it. 

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