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  Jin was about to cry, seeing his first son in years. Jin hugged Jungkook so tight Jungkook could barely speak. "Jin, he needs to live before you kill him later." Namjoon chuckled. Jin gasped, and let go of Jungkook letting him take a deep breath and out. "Appa, you almost killed me again." Jungkook said showing his bunny teeth. "I thought I lost you! Don't scare me like that again." Jin said pinching Jungkook cheeks.

Jungkook was adopted at a young age, during around when the orphanage Yoongi was in didn't exist. Jungkook was lied to his whole life that his real parents died. He found out later that they were still alive, he was so mad at Jin and Namjoon. The three of them had gotten into a fight, so bad Jin told him to leave and Namjoon told him to go die. Both Namjoon and Jin, regretted it after they saw their own son leave. He had told them he was going to Japan to find them, since he heard they were over there.

Jin and Namjoon were both devastated, but they knew he wouldn't do that and he would come back. But he didn't, they soon saw on TV that the plane to Japan had crashed. They thought Jungkook had died, since he was no where in Kore or picking up his phone. Neither Jungkook friends knew where he was.

Turns out Jungkook had took a different plane to Japan. He had also paid his friends to be quiet, and lost his phone on the first day he got to Japan, yes very stupid of him.

"Appa, I came back because I found out that they were happy somewhere else without me. So I decided to come back and I found out you replaced me." Jungkook sarcastically said the last sentence. "It was getting boring around here." Namjoon jumped in. "Oh Dad, I see that you also launched a rapping career after your company failed. Many fan girls were by your house. I also saw your tweet, good thing I wasn't at the airport that time." Jungkook had informed of the things he found out.

"So where's my little brother?" Jungkook asked looking around. "He's upstairs asleep right now." Namjoon replied him. "Ah, I see. You also changed the place a lot." Jungkook said pointing at the black couch that used to be red. "Alright enough, Jungkook you should unpack while me and Namjoon get lunch ready." Jin told both of them while clapping his hands. "Alright Appa." Jungkook responded heading to his room.

Jungkook went upstairs with his suitcase to his room, but he had noticed the door was a different colour. "Eh, must of changed it." He rubbed it off. When Jungkook opened the door, he saw it all redone with blue wallpaper with some ducks on it and toys and etc. "Huh, used my room for the new member of the family." Jungkook sighed. He looked at the bed where Yoongi was in. "My little brother, honestly the Restart orphanage is so stupid." Jungkook tched.


Yoongi woke up to all the talking downstairs. "What is that noise." Yoongi had thought to himself. Yoongi had used all his strength to turn his body to the edge, might he say, it was really exhausting. Yoongi was too tired to get off the bed, he then noticed a Kumon stuffy on his bed. "How did that get there." He wandered.

Jin was talking about things with Namjoon and Jungkook. Like how one time they almost did a funeral for him, but Jimin told them not to and wait. Jin went upstairs to get something to show Jungkook, when he went past Yoongi's room he heard some noises. He looked inside to see Yoongi awake, it seemed that Yoongi didn't notice Jin's present. Jin had walked in, making foot step noises. So that made Yoongi look up to see Jin. "Hello sweet pea. Why don't you go downstairs and meet your brother." Yoongi coughed when he heard brother. "Did they adopt another one while he was asleep?" Yoongi had thought.

When Jin carried Yoongi downstairs to the kitchen, Yoongi saw a unfamiliar face. The unfamiliar man had smiled at Yoongi. Then returned to eating, Yoongi was placed down in his baby chair. "Jungkook, this is our newest member of the family. His name is Yoongi, and he is the adorable." Jin introduced Jungkook to Yoongi. Yoongi just blinked at Jungkook confused, was he new or was it Yoongi that was new?

Namjoon was eating just watching Jungkook and Yoongi stare at each other, it was getting a bit awkward. But somehow Namjoon broke his chopsticks making a loud noise. Jin snapped his head towards Namjoon, seems that Jin was annoyed. "Joonie....those were the tenth one's you broke this week." Jin said snatching the broken chopsticks. Jin and gotten Namjoon a new one, but when he came back he saw a small smile on Yoongi and Jungkook. "Oh do my two sons find daddy breaking things funny?" Jin asked.m

Out of the unordinary Yoongi giggled making all of them awe. "So Yoongi finds it funny? I can break more things." Namjoon sarcastically joked, getting a hit from Jin. Some how that hit made Yoongi giggle more. But Yoongi snapped out of it, his cheeks were flaming red. He had been giggling like a little kid. And crying last time. "Hey Appa, I think Yoongi is hungry." Jungkook said slurping his spaghetti.

Jin stopped taking videos from his phone that came out of no where and rushed to get a bottle of milk for Yoongi. Namjoon got up from his seat, getting a question face from Jungkook. "I'm getting the thing Jin forgot to get." Namjoon had explained, getting a okay face from Jungkook. Namjoon had returned to see Yoongi chugging on his milk, "Slow down. You must have been hungry since you didn't drink your milk last time." Jin said. Namjoon had came back with a bag in his hand. Yoongi and Jungkook had a 'Oh what's that?' Face.

  Namjoon sat down at the table and smiled. Jin was just sitting away eating. Namjoon slowly opened the bag and put his hand in it, as he pulled something out. Namjoon sneezed ruining the dramatic moment, but went back to slowly pulling it out. "Joonie, just take it out." Jin said not the patient person. So Namjoon finally took it out, expecting a gasp and a cliff hanger. "Exactly what is that?" Jungkook blurted looking confused, same with Yoongi. "Well it's-"

Namjoon wanted a cliff hanger so I gave him one!
Anyways I tried my best I suck at writing and I have a life and decided to hang out with my friends that kept cussing at me because I kept beating them in Uno.

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