My Little Secret...

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*2 Hours Later*

Sam's P.O.V.

Okay, so now after abot 2 hours of us talking about today and eating breakfast, we finally get in the limo and get to the cenre, but something's weird Gab left about an hour early to do something before all of us got there, becuase she didn't want any of us knowing her little secret... okay.

My P.O.V

So, after about an hour of talking about what's happening today to also stuffing our faces with breakfast food, I totally forgot that I need to get ready to perform today, but the thing is that none of the boys know that I sing, not even my brother... So, I would go early just to make sure tat everything is ready for today's event, and I also said that I didn't want any of the boys coming, well not just quite yet, and becuase I didn't want any of them to find out my little secret...

*45 Minutes Later*

Taylor's P.O.V.

So, when Gabi said she had to leave early to get ready for today, but I wanted to ask why, but she said that she didn't want any of us knowing something special about her, but when she left I looked at Sam who was sitting right across from me and it was like he could read my mind cause he said "I have no clue what she's doing Taylor" Okay, that's weird, but before when I heard from either Sam or Aaron, I think it was Aaron, so he said that this morning he found out something very cool  but he won't tell me and so now only him and Sam know, like c'mon I'm like a brother to you (kinda) why the hell won't you tell me what you found out this morning, do you not trust me or something, this was all I could think of when we kept eating breakfast after Gabi left, and okay if Aaron won't tell me what he found out about her this morning and apparently he found out two cool things about her.

My P.O.V.

Okay, I just got to the venue where the show takes place and I have to practice my song for the show today...

*Half an hour later*

I finally got my solo song down and now I have to wait for Shawn because we're doing a duet together... here he comes.

*1 hour later *

Shawn's P.O.V.

So, we finally got done with everything for the show. And I've been having this question ever since Gabi and Sam met 'does Gabi like Sam?' So, I finally asked her. "Hey Gabi?" "Yeah Shawn?" "Do you like Sam?" "Why?" "Just asking tell me please?" "Fine.. I do like Sam but at the same I don-"  I was cut off when I heard the door open and Sam came in yelling "so, you don't like me? What we had I thought was something special. Thanks for breaking my heart Gabi...." "Wait Sam I did-" to late...

My P.O.V.

I just fucked up big time, I didn't mean to say it like that I was going to say "I do like Sam but at the same time I don't, but he's so hard not to love him" I was going to say that but I didn't get to. Finally after talking to myself I ran out the door looking for Sam, I didn't see him but I did see the Jacks and Nate, so I asked them, "Jacks, Nate!!" "Hey Gabi, what's up?" " I don't have time to talk, have you guys seen Sam at all?" "

Well, I just saw him run where u can get on the roof" Nate says "oh, shit. Thank you Nate. See you guys later" fuck this isnt good..

*10 minutes later*

I finally got to the roof and right when I open the door I see Sam sitting there right on the edge. So, I walk over to him "mind, if I sit?" "No, go ahead" I sat down beside him and I looked at him and asked "why did u freak out before?" "I didn't mean to, its just when I heard you say that about me, it mad me feel bad about myself and" I didn't let him finished because I crashed my lips onto his...

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