Chapter 2

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*The Masquerade Ball*

Rebekah's POV
I really miss Kayla. I hope she's doing ok. I saw Elena Damon and Stefan walk in and then I see Katherine walk in. God if Kayla knows about this party I hope she comes. Then I see the black and gold dress that I got Kayla and sent to her back in 1943. Could that be really Kayla. The girl took the mask off and it was Kayla but who the boy with her. When he took his mask off he looks just like Finn. I walked over to her and she saw me.


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"Kayla..." She looked at me and then hugged me. "God Rebekah how long has it been." I have hugged her tighter. "It's been to incredibly long Kayla." We pulled away and I wiped her tears. "Finnick this is your Aunt Rebekah. She and I were best friends for a long time." "Finnick you look so much like your father. Both of you haven't aged a day." "Finn doesn't know I'm here does he." I shook my head. "Let's go find Elijah and we can see each of them one at a time." She nods and Finnick grabs Kayla's hand and I link arms with her and we went looking for Elijah.

Elijah's POV
I'm standing at the top of the stairwell when I heard a familiar voice. "Elijah.."

I turned around and saw Kayla standing there with Rebekah and a young man that looks like Finn

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I turned around and saw Kayla standing there with Rebekah and a young man that looks like Finn. "Kayla... how long has it been." "Over 1,000 years Elijah. Finnick this is your Uncle Elijah. The other Mikaelson your named after." I looked at Finnick and he looks so much like Finn. "Finn hasn't seen you has he." She shook her head. "Rebekah wants me to see him last to make it special." I hear Niklaus coming up the stairs. "Niklaus..." Kayla said when she looked at him.

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