Chapter 7

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Kayla's POV
My phone started to ring and it was Kol but how Davina told me that she staked him. "Kayla... I messed up... I didn't something really bad and I need your help..." I walked away. "Kol what happened where's Davina.." "Davina.. God Davina..." "Kol... you didn't..." There was silents over the phone. "They made me... they woke me up and made me... Kayla please I need my best friend." "I'm on my way Kol just stay there." I hung up the phone and started screaming and yelling. "Kayla what's going on why are you screaming and yelling like that." Klaus came into the room followed by Hayley Elijah Benjamin Finnick and Elisha. "They got to Kol... Davina's..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "Kayla what happened to Davina." "THEY MADE KOL KILL HER!!! THEY GOT TO HIM AND NOW DAVINA IS DEAD!!!!" I sped off to be with Kol. I knew that Elijah was behind me. But I didn't expect my kids would come.

I finally reached Kol and Davina. Kol looked at me and I sped over to him and held him. "Sh sh sh sh sh sh sh Kol. I'm here. We'll find a way to bring her back. Even if I have to send my soul to a witch body if I-" "No Kayla I won't let you do that! I need you to be you... I screwed up... I...I hurt the woman that I loved dearly.. she's gone and it's my fault!" Kol started to cry again. Elijah and Finnick took Davina from Kol and I pulled him in to me more. He started to scream and cry all at the same time. I lifted Kol in my arms and sped off back to the compound and took him to his room and stayed with him.

Elijah's POV
Kayla finally got Kol to sleep and she came downstairs with Kol's scratch marks on her arms and they were bloody. "Kol wouldn't let go for hours." She went to the kitchen to clean them out. "You would think being a hybrid my wounds would of healed by now." Niklaus came into the kitchen and bit his wrist and gave Kayla some of his blood after she cleaned them out. "Thanks Klaus... Kol is in bad shape. I need to find a way to bring Davina back." "Maybe I can help." Elisha came into the room with mothers grimoire. "I am a witch aren't I maybe with Vincent's help he can help me bring Auntie Davina back." I looked at Klaus and then back to Elisha. "Ok Elisha let's get Vince and let's get to work." We heard Kol screaming again and Kayla ran back to his room.

Kol's POV
I woke up screaming cause of what I did to Davina. I felt Kayla's arms around me ones more. "Sh sh sh sh Kol... I'm here.. Elisha and I will find away to bring Davian back. Even if I have to use magic again like I had to before Finn turned me." I stopped screaming and clawed Kayla's arm again. I felt Kayla get out of bed with me in her arms. I felt her walking down the stairs. "Kayla it's all my fault..." I said with a sniffle behind it. "Kol this isn't your fault. The Ancestors wanted her dead and they knew a way of doing it." She took me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter and got me a bag of blood from the fridge. I looked at the arm as she was cleaning it. "Kayla I'm so sorry." "Kol it's fine... I've had worse cuts than this remember." I nodded. "Ya when father attacked you he did quote the number on you." She nodded and moved the hair away from her neck. I saw the only scar she had from that day. "It hasn't healed in over a thousands years... Mikael used a hot knife when he attacked me. I still can feel the heat from the knife on my skin." I heard her sniffling. I finished the last bag of blood and got off the counter and hugged her from behind. "Kayla it'll be fine. You're safe. Father won't hurt you anymore." She faced me and hugged me. "Thanks Kol. You always know how to make me feel better." "And the same goes for you too Kayla. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you weren't in my life." Elisha walked in and she was covered in blood. "Elisha are you ok your covered in blood." Kayla looked at her and knew what she did. "I got Auntie Davina  back. Mom I don't feel to good." Kayla sped if to her. "Klaus!!" Kayla yelled. Klaus ran in and saw me and Kayla surrounding Elisha. "What happened." He walked over to us and I let him have my spot. "She brought Davina back and then she said she wasn't feeling to good..." Kayla looked at her wrist. "She's been bitten." Kayla got up and Klaus gave Elisha some of his blood. "I'm going to kill the one that bit her." Kayla sped off and I went after her.

Kayla's POV
I made it to the bayou and I saw Oliver and I sped over to him and grabbed his throat and squeezed. "Kayla let him go." I heard Jack say. "He bit my daughter Jack. He needs to pay for what he did to Elisha!" Jackson looked at Oliver. "Don't do it in front of the pack. Follow me." I still had ahold of Oliver's throat and dragged to where Jack is taking us. "Do it here. And I'll bury him here." I saw Kol and stuck my hand into his chest and ripped his heart out. Oliver felt to the ground and I dropped his heart next to his body and walked away.

*Back to the Compound*

I saw everyone running to me. "Kayla where were.." Klaus saw the blood on my hand. "You're not." I shook my head. "No Klaus I'm not." Elijah came over and cleaned my hand off. "I killed Oliver." Elijah looked at me. "It's true brother. I saw it with my own eyes." Elijah looked at me again. "I'm just glad you're safe." I hugged Elijah and we all went to eat dinner.

Hello my originals family. Well that was interesting. What will happen next for the Mikaelson family.

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