Chapter 4: Success

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3 days later

I sighed as I pushed open the door to the bar Clare recommended to me. I was so out of it I barely had the energy to get up this morning.

I was low key thankful the doors were unlocked given the fact that the bar was currently closed. I sat on a stool and placed my bag on the other seat; I cleared my throat and knocked on the wooden bar counter "hello?" I pipped up.

And just like that a pretty women with naturally curly hair came out (girl in media), "oh I'm sorry ma'am we're closed" she said nicely, "oh I know I just came because I need a job" I laughed.

She smiled "oh okay, well what are you applying for?" She asked drying off a glass cup, "I wanted to be a waitress" I smiled.

"Well waitresses here have to wear a special uniform you know" she winked, I smiled "doesn't matter I'm up for it" I said.

"Great we could use more waitresses anyway, here try this on" she smiled brightly passing me a outfit, I'm guessing it was the uniform.

I went to the bathroom she directed me to and changed, when I was done I walked back out. I walked over to my previous spot and cleared my throat grabbing her attention, she looked up and gasped, she quickly jumped over the bar and grabbed my hand and held it above my head "Okay now spin slowly" she demanded tilting her head.

I did as she said and she nodded in approvement "I like it you look thick as hell too" she smiled, she let my arm drop to my side before jumping over the bar again, "Okay you're hired, what's your number?" She asked, I smiled softly as I gave her my number without complaint.

"I'll text you the details now go change back into you regular clothes love" she smiled, her British accent cought me off guard a little but I kind of digged it.

I nodded and went back to change. When I was done I went back to her and smiled, "my names Queen by the way" I informed.

"Fits your appearance and attitude, my name is Katherin but you can call me Kat" she smiled.

I nodded "thanks for the job Kat, when do I start?" I asked, "well it doesn't really get busy here during the week days sooooo I'm thinking Friday at 6:00 pm" she said.

"Alright I'll see you then Kat" I said putting out my hand for her to shake, "you're so cute" she laughed then pulled me into a hug over the counter which cought me off guard, "I'll see you Friday love" she said releasing me from her grasp and getting back to work.

I chuckled at her odd behavior before walking out the bar, I got in my car and I drove back home. To be honest I wasn't really feeling like myself, the last three days all I've been doing was sleeping, eating, and watching tv, I completely cut my self off from the outside world after Cj was taken from me.

But today Clear and Mod forced me to go apply for the bar job, which I'm honestly great full for.

Queen's apartment

When I got into my apartment I threw my keys on the counter and went into my bathroom to take a shower.

After showering I changed into a T-shirt and some boy shorts, I laied down and sighed in relief, "God I missed you" I moaned slightly to the cold feeling of my bed.

"You want me to come back later?" I looked up and saw Clare smiling holding some food, "you brought me food? You're the best, I don't know how I was ever able to live without you" I smiled and jumped up, I grabbed the food and hugged him, he hugged back and we sat down on my bed, he laied back and watched me eat my food; "Queen you Okay?" He asked.

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