Surprise part 2

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Everyone knows when there's a birth there's a death.......

Clarence pov:

I was holding on to our lil boy as my other hand held Queen's hand as she squeezed the living hell outta it, "UGHHH!" She screamed.

"One more push" the doctor coached as Queen was taking deep breaths, I kissed her forehead "Come on Queen push our lil girl out" I said.

She nodded and gave out one more push, and loud screams filled the air.

《Queens pov》

I died down my screams and wiped the sweat off of my forehead, I watched as they cleaned my lil girl and wrapped her up.

They handed her to me, her eyes was opened and they sparkled with a dark brown shade.

I smiled and looked up at Clare as he smiled and looked right back at me, "here, let me see her" Clare said gently giving me our son as I gave him our daughter.

《Time skip》

Clare was sitting on a chair asleep, Airi was on the phone outside the room, Tray and Tae 《the twins》 were with the doctors, they said sumn bout them having to stay for another two months.

Cj fell asleep on my bed as I sat up twiddling my damn thumbs. "Okay okay. Yeah I'll tell em.....okay bye" Airi said walking in, she hung up her phone and gave me a sad smile, "what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bad news or good?" She asked.

"Give me the good news" I smiled, she returned the smile and cleared her throat "Patty is fine and he's on his way to the room" she said.

I smiled brightly "really?! Yay!" I smiled.

"Huh? What?" Clare mumbled waking up, I smiled at him "Clare, Patty is on his way to the room he's okay" I said.

He chuckled "I knew my nigga was gonna pull through" he said.

"Queenyourmomdied." Airi said real fast, I turned to her and gave her a confused face expression, "repeat that, but slower this time" I said.

She took a deep breath "the bad news is, Queen.........your mom died........ten minutes ago" she said in a sad tone.

I froze and I felt my tears swell up, I sat up and screamed as tears fell from my eyes "nononononono mommy!" I screamed.

Clare and Airi rushed over to me and held me so I wouldn't get up, Patty ran into the room looking confused, he ran over to me and tried to calm me down.

Cj climbed off the bed and ran to the couch he had fear spread across his face, but I didn't care, I started to flip out I was kicking covers off of the bed even though it hurt like hell.

I grabbed my pillow and threw it at Patty who gave me a straight face but shook it off and continued to hold me down.

I started hitting everyone and screaming, "Queen! Queen! Calm down!........calm down" Clare said as he held me, I stopped fighting and cried on his shoulders "mommy....She's dead. She's dead Clare" I cried.

He laid down next to me and rubbed my back "I know. I know. I'm sorry" he whispered.

Airi took a deep breath and rubbed her face, Patty held his stomach as he walked over to Cj.

But little did all of em know that Queen slowly started to blame her mothers death on the twins.

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