Chapter 22: SetUp

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I watched as the cops and Nikki pulled off, I snapped my attention towards Cj and Airi, I walked over to them and kissed Cj cheek and hugged him.

"Airi I need you to take him back to Houston" I said wiping Cj tears, "why we just got here" she said.

I looked at her "ion wanna argue, that bitch set my man up and imma beat her ass for it" I said letting Cj go.

She looked at me "alright but don't do anything I wouldn't do sis" she said hugging me, "I won't".

"I'm serious Queen think about my niece and nephew" she said with a stern tone, I smiled "What makes you so sure it's a boy and a girl?" I asked.

"Just a feeling" she shrugged before giggling and grabbing Cj hand "see yah sis, call me later" she said.

"Okay bye, bye baby!" I yelled, he smiled "bye bye mommy, we see you soon" he said, I nodded and they left. My game face was on as I walked up the steps and went to my bathroom to hop in a shower.

When I got out I put on a tight but comfy dress that stopped mid-thigh and fixed my bun, I quickly but carefully did my make up before slipping on some sandals.

I grabbed my bag and my black jacket before walking down stairs and pulling my car keys out.

Police station

I walked in as everyone eyes landed on me, I ignored all the stairs as I walked up to the lady at the front desk.

"Um excuse me?" I asked gaining her attention, "yes?" She asked.

"My name is Queen Bulls and I'm here for Clarence White he was previously arrested an hour ago" I said.

She typed onto her computer "ah yes, Mr. White was charged for man slaughter" she said.

I rolled my eyes "well yes I'm here to bail him out" I said, "seriously.....after he killed that poor baby?" She asked with a scrunched up face.

"He didn't do it and imma prove it, now how much is the bail?" I asked, she shook her head and typed some more on her computer.

"No bail, he has to stay here until the court date" she said.

I wanted to cry but kept my composure, "when is the court date?" I asked, she looked at her computer, "Monday" she said.

Today is Friday, and I was not happy at all.

"I need to see him at least" I said, she shook her head "No ma'am" she said.

I allowed my tears to fall, "please I can't do this, I need to see him.....we need to see him" I cried backing up a bit showing off my lil baby bump; she sighed as she looked around "Okay i'll try and set something up in 15 mins, please take a seat and wait" she said.

I nodded and did as she said.

15 mins later


"You have 10 mins to talk"

"Okay" I turned toward Clare who was sitting down, "I'm so happy you're okay" I said.

"I'm sorry" he said, I looked at him confused "why?" I asked.

"To put this much stress on you, I should've never messed with that crazy bitch" he said, I nodded while chuckling "although I completely agree with you I have a plan to expose the truth" I smirked.

He nodded "So you gon bail me out....with your fine ass" he smiled; I sighed "I can''re charged for man slaughter so it'll be stupid of them to let you free before the court date, so you have to stay until the court date..." I said.

"Oh.....When's the date?" He asked

"Monday." I said

"Okay, I love you babe" he said.

"I love you too"

"You know we have time if you wanna..." he smirked.

"Nope." I smiled walking out.

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