Power of veto.

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( I'm going to do a quick recap of the story so far because it might be a bit confusing.

Couples: Jessica & Cody = Jody. Tyler & Zachary = Tachary (idk I'm horrible with ship names) Bree & Jay = Bay.

Alliances: Jesssica & Cody, Dom was evicted and brynn left them. Zachary & Tyler , Bree and Jay left them to further there game. Vanessa is just a pawn / vote / floater.  Bree, Jay,  Brynn & Nicole.
Then Erica & Coraline they left there alliance for a smaller/ slide alliance. And then the final alliance is Jess, Brayden & Jackson. There alliance use to be Jen Jess Jackson brayden Erica coraline and brynn but they split.

Nominations as of right now: Jess nominations: Tyler , Zachary.  Erica's  Nominations: Jay & Bree. Nicole's nominations;  Vanessa & Coraline. And finally Cody nominations are Jackson and brayden.

Julie chen: Hello houseguests it's time for the power of veto go to the front yard

Veto challenge:

Julie chen: For the first time everyone is able to play

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Julie chen: For the first time everyone is able to play.

Everyone goes hides there veto

Julie chen: The order will be this Jackson coraline Jess Jay bree Tyler Zachary brayden Nicole Erica Vanessa Jessica Cody and brynn

1 2 3 go

Jackson finds nothing

Coraline finds nothing

Jess finds brayden

Jay finds bree

Bree finds Jay

Tyler finds nothing

Zachary finds nothing

Brayden finds nothing

Nicole finds Vanessa

Erica finds brynns

Vanessa finds nothing

Jessica  finds Cody

Cody finds Tyler's

BRYNN finds erica's

Jackson finds nothing

Coraline finds nothing

Jess finds Jessica

Jay finds nothing

Bree finds nothing

Tyler finds Jess

Zachary finds Nicole's

Brayden finds nothing

Nicole finds nothing

Erica finds nothing

Vanessa finds nothing

Cody finds nothing

Jessica finds nothing

BRYNN finds nothing

Jackson finds nothing

Coraline finds nothing

Jess finds nothing

Jay finds nothing

Bree finds nothing

Tyler finds nothing

Zachary finds Jackson's

Brayden finds nothing

Nicole finds coralines

Skip a few

Tyler finds the last one.

Julie chen time to reveal who won

1st person found........ Brayden!

2nd person found..... bree!

3rd person found....... Jay!

4th person found.... Vanessa

5th person found...... brynn

6th person found....... Cody

7th person found ........ Tyler

8th person found ........ erica

9th person found Jessica!

10th person found.... Jess!

11th person found..... Nicole

12th person found ..... Jackson.

13th person found.... coraline

That means the winner is z achery!

They do the same thing 3 times and

Nicole Vanessa and Jay win.

Julie chen 4 people won the veto Nicole z achery  Vanessa and Jay congrats!

( it was going to be longer but I got lazy and I had writers block so sorry ;-;)

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