Julie: Hello houseguest I'm adding my favorite twist to the game and that is the ex boyfriend or girlfriend twist. There's only 3 of you who have ex's and that's Tyler bree and Zachary.
Please welcome Tyler's ex boyfriend justin
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Please welcome Zachary ex boy friend mason.
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And here's bree ex boyfriend Daniel
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Tyler diary room: Omg no my ex is abusive he beat me and almost raped me I'm kinda scared I hope he leaves me alone.
Zachary diary room: Oh god in worried for Tyler my ex gets jealous of whoever dates me and always trys to fight them.
Bree diary room: Oh this is good for my game my ex and me are still friends were broke it up nicely so YAY ME
Mason and Justin look at Tyler in a way that means there going to hurt him.
Zachary grabs Tyler's hand and runs with him to the hoh room.
Zachary: Tyler are you okay you look scared.
Tyler starts sobbing- Zachary starts rubbing circles on his back hey hey it's okay I will go make you a grilled cheese Zachary kisses him then he goes downstairs and makes him a grilled cheese
Zachary hears screaming when he's done With it he bolts upstairs TYLER ARE YOU OKAY? OPEN THE DOOR right at that second his ex and my ex bolt out and run out of the house. I run in and look at Tyler I almost start to cry.
Tyler got a black eye a hickey all over his neck. His lip was bleeding and 2 of his teeth fell off ( thank God there baby teeth)
Zachary: Screams medic! A group of doctors take Tyler and rush to the hospital.
Zachary starts sobbing and blacks out from all the crying.
Ever one else: Omg what happen they see as Tyler is carried out of the bb house.
They run up stairs to see Zachary sobbing.
He passes out and they pick him up and lay him on his bed.
Everyone leaves the room except bree Jay and her ex
About 2 hours later Zachary wakes up.
Bree: Zach what happens are you okay what happens to Tyler she starts freaking out.
Zachary: They hurt him....
Zachary: my ex and his ex..... he starts sobbing
Bree: it's going to be okay - starts rubbing his back in circles and calms him down.
Everyone leaves the room and let's Zachary be alone
Every once in a while someone checks up on him but he just screams at them to leave.
In the middle of the night: Tyler returns. He is aching but he is fine he feels like he hurt Zach so he is just going to go sleep in the diary room.
In the morning everyone wakes up and comes down stairs including Zachary. Tyler stays in the diary room because he feels like everyone hates him and that he is a coward.
Everyone eats breakfast and then goes swimming. Zachary looks depressed but he looks better.
Jessica: The veto is in a few hours I wonder who will be picked.
Cody: Eh idc I'm just going to go on the hammock and relax.
Jay: sneaks behind bree and pushes her into the pool.
Bree: JAY YOU ARE A DEAD MAN- she tackles Jay and then pushes him into the pool then she runs away and goes straight for the diary room. She walks in and sees a crying Tyler.
Bree: Omg Tyler are you okay why are you in here aren't you going to come out.
Tyler: nods his head no
Bree: Why not?
Tyler: Everyone hates me Zachary prob thinks I'm a freak I'm lucky you are still nice to me
Bree: Tyler that's ridiculous Zachary misses you come on either you come out or I will drag you out
-tyler doesn't budge-
Bree: fine we will do it the hard way. She presses on a pressure point and sense Tyler was hurt and weak righ now it was easy to drag him out.
Zachary: Is that Tyler being dragged by bree? Omg it is-runs towards free-market
Tyler: Oh no he hates me - gets out of her grip and runs toward the superman bedroom.
Zachary grabs Tyler and picks him up bridal style.
Zachary; Baby what's wrong don't run away please - he says with tears in his eyes
Tyler just zones out and goes into his head.
Zachary: Carrie's Tyler up to his room and cuddles with him.
Zachary diary room: something is wrong does Tyler hate me?
Hello thank you for reading this chapter was mainly about Zachary and Tyler next chapter I will do other houseguests. Thank you for reading!