Nicole, Bree, Jay, and Brynn are all getting ready and having small chat.
Nicole: So do you guys want to hang in here after the nom ceremony?
Bree Jay and brynn: Sure!
Jessica: So we're putting brayden and Jackson on the block right??
Cody: Yep, Now rest we didn't get much sleep and today is going to be a long day.
Jess stares into a camera and tells it: This is for you Jen I'm getting Tyler or zachery out for you!
Erica: I feel bad for putting Bree up I loved giving her makeovers, but it has be done.
Coraline: It will be okay, I'm sure she will understand
Erica: I can only hope so.
Jackson: I'm obviously going on the block I think I'm just going to go sleep on the hammock
Brayden: Alright, I'm going to go get ready for the ceremony.
Tyler In diary room: I feel so alone no one is talking to me and there looking at me strangely.
Tyler goes to bree: Are we still an alliance?
Bree: I'm sorry Tyler but you are a huge target I can't associate with you anymore.
Bree walks out.
Zachary: -sighs- He goes finds Tyler.
Tyler: What do you need Zach.
Zachary: I'm sorry for ignoring you and I wanted to ask you a question.
Tyler: Go on
Zachary: Will you be my boyfriend? And he holds out two necklaces and two rings.
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Tyler; Yes, Of course!!!!
Zachary picks up Tyler and spins him around.
Tyler giggles and they crash on the bed cuddling together.
Julie chen; Houseguests come downstairs.
All the house guests come downstairs.
Julie chen; Houseguests as of right now part 1 of the battle back is happening it's Jen vs Dom. (This is going to be like season 18 battle back except different comps)
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( The season 16 battle back COMP except imagine 2 people doing it.
Julie chen: There will be six rounds houseguests who Ever has the most at the end of 6 rounds wins if you both are equal then we will see who was closet to the middle.
Julie chen: Ready! Set! Go!
Round 1: They both get one on.
Round 2; They both get one on.
Round 3: Doms falls off but it also hits one of Jens so 2 of them fall off but Jen makes one.
Round 4: They both get on.
Round 5: Dom makes it, Jens falls off.
Julie chen: So far Dom is in the lead 5 to 4!
Round 6: Jen makes it and knocks on of Doms off but Dom also makes it!
Julie chen it's a tie 5 to 5! We will know inspect.
Julie chen: After a close review we have decided that......... Congratulations......Jen!!!! You will move on to round 2. Sorry Dom your summer is officially over.
Julie chen; Now with that out of the way it's time for the nomination ceremony Nicole will share her nominee first then Cody then Jess and then Erica.
Nicole it's my power to nominate two houseguests for eviction the 1st person I have chosen to nominate is....... Coraline
Nicole: My second nominee is ........... Vanessa.
Nicole: Coraline & Vanessa I had no idea who to nominate I don't have problems with anyone this wasnt personal I just had to put someone up
Coraline diary room: eh I don't blame her I haven't talked to her much.
Vanessa Diary room: Well it was going to happen sooner or later.
Julie chen: Cody time for your nominations.
Cody: Its my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction so the 1st person I have nominated is.......... Jackson
Cody: The 2nd person I have chosen to nominate is............ Brayden
Cody: Brayden & Jackson I have chosen to nominate you two because you two are floaters and haven't done much I hope you prove me wrong in the veto challenge.
Brayden diary room; Of course I'm nominated again I will win that veto!
Jackson: I'm not surprised I haven't done much game talk.
Julie chen: Jess it's your turn to nominate two people for eviction.
Jess: Hello houseguests it's my turn to nominate two houseguests for eviction the 1st person I have chosen to nominate is......... Tyler.
Jess: The second houseguest I have nominated is........ Zachary.
Jess: I have nominated you Tyler because your a COMP beast and you need to go, Zachery I nominated you because your Tyler's ally and your also good in comps.
Zachary diary room: Wow she's targeting Tyler I will win the veto and get him off the block!
Julie chen alright Erica you get to put the last houseguests on the block.
Erica I feel bad for this but I'm just going to keep it short and simple Jay and bree I have nominated you.
Erica bree I love giving you makeovers and being your friend but showmances are threats I'm really sorry but it had to be done and Jay I nominated you because your also in a showmance with bree.
Bree diary room: UGH I have to use my halting hex already.
Jay diary room: We need to win that veto!!!!!
Julie chen: Alright houseguests that's it you may go.
This was a short chapter but next chapter will be longer thanks for reading and voting!!