Chapter 3

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"Where were you" Finn asked
"Nowhere" Kurt replied
"Could have fooled me" Will said
"Fine, I went to the orphanage" Kurt admitted
"Wait, you went to visit those losers" Quinn asked
"They are not losers" Kurt said
"Well, I mean only one of them" Kitty pointed out
"Yes, if you want to know I went to visit Blaine" Kurt told them
"The one who gets fooled so easily by every prank we did today" Brittany giggled
"Wait, you guys pranked him" Kurt said in disbelief
"Did you really expect us not welcome them at all" Quinn laughed
"I can't believe you guys" Kurt stood up
"Are you in love" Ryder teased
"No I just" Kurt stuttered
"Let me tell you something, people like Blaine or any of the kids in that orphanage are bad news, who's to say they won't steal or do anything bad" Quinn tried to persuade him into thinking that they were bad
"You know what, I'm done talking about this" Kurt then left
He was about to leave until
"Hey Kurt, wait up" It was Mercedes
"Don't tell me you think like them too" Kurt said
"No, I think they're nice, I just wanted to see what you were going to do" Mercedes asked
"I'm going to see Blaine, I know I went to see him earlier but I just need someone to talk too" Kurt explained
"If anyone asks, I'll cover you" Mercedes said
"Thanks" With that Kurt went towards the orphanage and he hit the window to where Blaine's room was
"What are you doing here again" Blaine yawned
"I'm sorry to wake you up, I had some problems with my friends" Kurt explained
"So you came and hit the window with a rock" Blaine asked
"Yep" Kurt said
"You are a very interesting person" Blaine complemented
"That I am" Kurt laughed a bit
"Well, anytime you want to talk just ask" Blaine said
"Of course, and I know this sounds weird for me to say since we only met today, but you have beautiful eyes" Kurt blushed
"Oh, um thank you" Blaine blushed
"You look tired, I'll let you sleep" Kurt said
"Goodnight" Blaine then closed the window
"Well, I guess I'll just go" Kurt left carefully to make sure he didn't wake anyone up

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