Chapter 15

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The morning after, it was pretty peaceful
Kurt woke up next to a sleeping Blaine and he thought it was the most beautiful sight in the world
"Wake up" Kurt kissed Blaine
"Five more minutes" Blaine complained
"Come on" Kurt said
"Ok, I'm up" Blaine yawned
"So how did you sleep" Kurt asked
"I slept pretty well, but I still can't believe we actually did it" Blaine said
"Me either, but we did" Kurt shrugged
In that instant, Mike came in
"Oh, am I interrupting something" Mike asked
"No, nothing at all" Kurt blushed
"Wait, did you" Mike started
"Um....." Blaine blushed
"No way" Mike gasped
"You know what, I'm going to start packing" Blaine said
After he left, Mike asked
"So how was it"
"I'm never going to live this down" Kurt sighed
After New Year's Eve and a few weeks later, all of them were ok, but of course that didn't last
"Its been weeks and I still can't believe you guys actually did" Sam said
"I mean, I thought it was time" Kurt blushed
"Wanky" Santana smiled
"Shut up Santana" Blaine said
"Anyways, its also been a few weeks since Quinn even said anything bad against us" Tina commented
Everyone clapped at that
"You know its been good" Brittany smiled
"Agreed" Artie nodded
Just than Mercedes came running towards them
"Mercedes, what's wrong" Kurt asked
"Where's Blaine" Mercedes asked
"Here why" Blaine said
"Look at this picture" Mercedes showed him a photo
"Wait, that kid looks like you" Kurt pointed out
"I remember, I have a picture of myself when I was that age" Blaine took out another picture
Then Quinn came looking angry
"Where did you find that picture"
"I just found it" Mercedes said
"Wait Quinn, is that your family"  Kurt asked
"Yes, me and my sister but then I had an adoptive brother" Quinn said
"Wait a minute that picture Blaine has of himself looks like the boy in Quinn's picture" Tina said
"Yeah, I recognized Blaine the second he came here" Quinn looked at the group
"So that means" Kurt started
"Yes, my parents adopted Blaine when his real parents abondanded him" Quinn admitted
Everyone just stood there in shock, but Kurt was angry
"You knew he was adoptive brother this whole time and you just started teasing him and insulting him" Kurt yelled
"I resented him, I figured that my parents apperciated him more than me" Quinn yelled back
"Well, you could have just realized that Blaine had been abondanded by his parents and that it was a hard thing for him" Kurt argued
Quinn was about to say something until Chiron came and told Blaine something that would change both of their lives
"Blaine, your parents, the ones that abondaned you first, they are here to see you" Chiron told him
Blaine just stood there, shocked and with tears in his eyes
And Kurt was also standing there is shock but he was really angry
No one knew what was coming after all this

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