Chapter 19

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Weeks passed and Blaine's birthday was nearing and Kurt was determined to find him the best present ever
"Guys, I need ideas" Kurt told his friends
"Maybe you could get him something with music" Mercedes said
"Yeah like a music cd" Sam added
"But Blaine has a ton of those" Kurt said
"Or how about new clothes" Tina offered
"More bowties" Mike shrugged
"No, I mean anyone of you guys could give him that" Kurt told them
"What exactly do you want to give him" Brittany asked
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you guys" Kurt said
"I mean all of our ideas are not even satisfying you" Santana told him
"What exactly are you looking for in the present" Artie asked
"I want it to be special, something that demonstrates that I really love Blaine" Kurt told him
"Wait, I'm getting ideas" Santana said
"What" Kurt asked
"I mean, I know you've only been dating for a few months but maybe make a picture book of all your photos" Santana suggested
"Wait, I think I'm on a roll here" Kurt said
Just then, Blaine came in with food
"I have food" Blaine smiled
"There's my adorable boyfriend" Kurt said as Blaine sat next to him
"Just help yourselves" Blaine told the group
As the group was eating and just sort of ignoring them
"I missed you" Kurt told Blaine
"It was only 10 minutes" Blaine giggled
"Yeah, but I miss you every minute you are away from me" Kurt hugged Blaine
"You're cheesy, did you know that" Blaine told him
"But you love it" Kurt smiled
"I do love it" Blaine snuggled into Kurt
"And I love you" Kurt kissed Blaine
"Ok guys, too much PDA" Sam said
"Wanky" Santana smiled
"Way to ruin the moment Sam" Blaine threw a pillow at him
"And really Santana really" Kurt looked at Santana
"What" Santana shrugged
"Anyways, ready for your birthday party this weekend Blaine" Tina asked
"Yeah, I'm so happy" Blaine said
"Its going to be an amazing party" Mike told him
"I hope so" Blaine said
"Don't worry, I'm going to make sure you have the best birthday ever" Kurt kissed Blaine again
"Guys, we are still here" Sam interrupted
"Sam, I swear stop ruining our moments" Blaine complained as Sam kept laughing
"Its ok" Kurt told Blaine
"Ok, we're getting off track, where exactly is the party going to be" Mercedes asked
"Its going to be here at the orphanage" Blaine told him
"But won't the rest of the people here at the orphanage not want us here" Brittany asked Blaine
"Yeah, look I love you but I don't want to cause problems in here" Kurt added
"Its my party, I really want you to be here Kurt" Blaine said
"Aw" Kurt blushed
"And Mercedes, Mike, and Brittany are my best friends so I really want them here too" Blaine added
"You're super sweet" Kurt smiled at his boyfriend
"I know" Blaine said as Kurt kissed him
"Guys" Sam cleared his throat
"Sam, are you kidding me" Blaine got up and chased Sam who was laughing
"I love my boyfriend so much" Kurt smiled

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