Chapter One

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So London looks like this but her hair is just a little darker. What do you think?
Hope you guys like my first chapter, tell me what you think. Please leave comments and vote.
Please no negativity or criticism, if you have a problem please say it nicely. I worked hard on this and a friend also helped edit it. (I also have dyslexia sooo BE NICE!!!)

     I woke up feeling drained, I don't know why I'm not a very active person, but this has been happening for the past few weeks. I awoke to my mother calling me down for breakfast, she does this every morning. I get out of bed not even bothering to look in the mirror knowing how I will look.
    My dark brown hair will be puffed up, almost looking like a black cloud while my deep green eyes will be droopy with sleep. I start down the hallway towards the stairs already able to hear my mom singing songs with the radio that we always have on.

   Once I make my way into the kitchen I see my father reading a book. He's always reading in his spare time when he doesn't have work.
My mom is making pancakes while waiting for the bacon to be done.

   I walk up to my mom and give her a hug. "Good morning mom" I say sweetly. She looks at me and smiles, "Good morning, did you sleep well?" She asks me. I nodded my head in reply and walk over to the dining room table and sit by my dad. He looks up at me. "Good morning, honey." I smile and nod my head in acknowledgment.

    I sit next to my dad at the small circular table in our kitchen and rest my head in my hands. After a few minutes of just sitting here I get snapped out of my thoughts by my mother "breakfast is ready honey you should get some food" I look up to see her looking at me tentatively.

   I grabbed two pancakes and a handful of bacon and scarfed down on my mothers delicious cooking. I look up to the sound of my dad clearing his throat and staring at me. "Yes?" I ask my mouth full of bacon.

    My mother just gives me a disapproving look while my father just started talking."your mother and I were just making sure that you are following the rules like a good girl, right?" I just rolled my eyes at this it's the same thing about once a month they always ask this.

     "Yes dad, rule one I must stay in my room from 9:30 at night to 8:30 in the morning. Rule two, never come out of my room at any given circumstances even if their are weird noises. Rule three never EVER step foot in the basement."

   My dad gave me a approving smile with a slight nod then started eating again. I finished my breakfast then cleaned my dishes before heeding up to my room. I changed into my favorite dark grey sweat pants and purple t shirt, I brushed my hair straight and started on my school work.

   Since I'm home schooled I work on my papers in my bed, I don't go to public schools because we live out in the middle of nowhere, it's hours between towns. But I wouldn't know personally it's all second hand knowledge from my parents since I've never left my house I've only been in the front and back yards to my house which consists of large acres.


  I practically spent all day in bed only getting up for snacks or to use the washroom. My eyes start to droop before I look at the time it's only nine which means I have thirty minutes before curfew. I decide it's time for bed so I crept to my parents room.

   I hear them murmuring words to each other before I lean in to hear better. "I know this, we just need to make sure she keeps following the rules so she doesn't ruin anything." That was my mothers voice I was assuming she was talking about me but was to tired to really care.

   I knock on the door and my father squeaks it open. "I just wanted to tell you guys I love you and I'm going to bed now so goodnight." I say with a soft smile. My dad pulls my in a hug and ruffles my hair "love you too kiddo sweet dreams goodnight." My mom walks over and hugs me "I love you too sleep well honey."

   With that I walk to my bedroom and plop into my bed and cuddle into the blankets for comfort and quickly drift to sleep.

Thank you for reading please follow me and vote, leave your thoughts in the comments hope you liked it. Sorry this chapter is a little short.🙂

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