Chapter Three

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The next day I woke up even earlier then the day before, I decided to lay in bed for a few minutes. Then I heard my parents door open and their footsteps. Once they paced my room I heard them going down stairs, I know their going to the basement.

I crept to my bedroom door, before creaking it open to make sure the coast was clear. I walked to my parents room and closed the door behind me quietly. I walked around their room to see if there was anything suspicious.

I moved books and picture frames, even their lamps and I found nothing. Just when I was about to walk out something coughs my eye.
Something grayish white was peaking out, I walked over to their bed and kneeled down.

I grabbed it and pulled it out from under the bed, it was a news paper with a missing person report on it. I looked under the bed and saw a hole stack of them a big one to. I grabbed the stack and dragged it to me, I started going through them and was really starting to get creeped out.

On each news paper was a missing person report. And what was even more disturbing was I recognized some of them, a little to much for comfort.
I put all of the papers back making sure it didn't look like it got touched, and got up and raced to my room as humanly possible. I got in my bed and made myself go back to sleep, I can't believe I recognize those people, I don't even read the paper. So how could I know them?


I've been doing school work all day not stopping for breaks, my parents haven't even checked on me which is extremely strange. They never leave me alone for to long, after I noticed it was nearly 8:00, I decided to go get some food even though I wasn't hungry I knew I should eat.

As I walked to the kitchen I saw my parents walking into the basement, until now I never realized how much they went down there throughout my life.

I just grabbed a couple granola bars and walked back into my room. Once I was in my room I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and walked back down stairs. I put the paper on the kitchen table saying I was going to bed and went back upstairs.

Once I was in my room I locked the door, and changed into clothes I can move around in comfortably. I walked to the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder, flashlight in hand.

Once I walked down the hallway at the bottom of the ladder, I covered my nose as I walked by the bodies. I went straight to the other trapdoor and I could immediately hear voices, specifically my parents voices. They sounds evil, I couldn't tell who they were talking about but it sounded like me.

This is one of the things my own father said. "she will love you or you will die, not by her of corse she would never do anything to hurt another living creature; but by us and believe me when I say this it will be slow and agonizing." Now feeling sick I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I don't understand how my loving dad could say something like this.

I stood there a little longer, I couldn't help but not move from the shock. All of a sudden I heard a loud thud and a muffled groan, my eyes widened in fear, that sounded like another man. I've never seen a real living person other then my parents.

I quickly brushed off rational thoughts, their probably watching something they call a movie. I've never seen one I'm not even sure what it was. My parents say it's something people make for entertainment. I'm not aloud to see one.

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