Chapter Two

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   I'm laying in bed unable to sleep, every time I get close to falling asleep, there is another strange noise. I look over at the digital clock on my bedside table and see I've been laying here for a few hours. it's nearly 1:00 in the morning.
   I slowly sit up stretching out my sore muscles. I start to get out of bed, but right when my toes touch my carpeted flooring, I hear a loud screech like noise that almost sounded like a scream.

   I paused for a moment, not sure if I should go check out what it was or not, I decided against it because it's one of my main rules. I padded my feet into my bathroom connected to my room, covering my eyes before I turn on my light.
   I look up at myself in the mirror and I look awful, my green eyes or even darker from the lack of sleep I have had and I have deep bags under my eyes.

   I finish my business and as I'm walking out of the bathroom. I hear a creak in the floor right at the end of my bed. I look down and right where the floor creaked, the carpeting started to rip. When I got down on the floor, I saw that there was a shiny spot peaking through.

   I started peeling away the carpet over the spot and I could immediately tell it wasn't wood like the rest of the floor. I sat there bewildered at the sight of a trapdoor, I slowly pulled it open to reveal a dark hole.
   I shot up from the floor immediately looking for a flashlight. Right when I got to my bookshelf, I remembered it was in the drawer of my nightstand.

   I quickly walked to the side of my bed and grabbed it. I ran to the hole and shone the light down it, only to reveal a ladder. I quickly changed into some shorts to climb down easier. Right when I stuck my feet onto the ladder, I heard walking in the hallway getting close to my room.

   I quickly covered the hole back up with the carpet and hid under my blanket with the flashlight. Right when I completely covered myself my door opened and I heard my dad's quiet whispers
"She looks so peaceful while she's sleeping." "I know" my mother said quietly.

   "I just don't want her getting pulled into this." My dad said. "Well, you know, when we leave her she'll have to carry it on."My mother replied with a slightly irritated tone. "Only if she is comfortable with it." My dad replied using the same tone, I could tell he was getting angry by the way he said it.

   They said I few soft words of I love you, then went back to their room. After a few minutes I could her my fathers light snoring and my mothers heavy breathing.
   I crawled to the bottom of my bed and slide to the floor where the hole was, I peeled the carpet away and opened the door. By the time a grabbed my flashlight, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

   I quickly threw my legs on to the rungs of the ladder and started to ease my way down.

   The bars were stable but rusty so it was a little harder to grip onto the rungs. The ladder seemed to be really long since it was dark, so I couldn't tell when it ended. I finally felt level ground, when I moved my flashlight around I saw that I was in a hallway.

   The hallway was made out of what looked like smooth cement. I started walking down it till I got to the end of the hallway, I almost passed out at what I saw when I got there.

   There in front of me was a huge pile of bones and decaying bodies, in the middle of a room, which was also cement. I started to gag as the stench of death hit me quickly, I started panicking as     
I could tell some of the bodies were a lot newer then the others. Before I took in the sight of anything else I quickly ran to the ladder and started climbing, skipping one step at a time.

   Once I got to the top I threw the door shut and pulled the carpet over it, and run to my bathroom. I quickly started scrubbing off the soot, once it was all off I changed back into my pajama pants and crawled into bed. Frantically trying to erase everything from my mind, after awhile I fell asleep.

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