Chapter 2

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Once dinner was over, the boys one by one took a shower and got ready for bed. It had been a long day and they were all exhausted.

"Joon, Hobi, Yoongs- can you stay back for a bit, i need to talk to you guys about something" Seokjin suddenly said.

The older 3 looked up at the eldest and nodded.

"I want to stay up tooooo" Jimin whined,yawning sleepily.

"And me" Tae agreed, rubbing his eyes.

"No- you 3 get to bed, we'll be quick!" Namjoon said, lightly pushing the 3 maknaes up the stairs.

"Hyung i d-dont want to be alone" Jungkook whimpered, grabbing Seokjins attention.

"Owh baby" Seokjin cooed, running his hand comfortingly through Jungkooks hair "Why dont you sleep with Jiminie and Tae, then when we're done we'll move you to your own room, okay?"

The younger nodded and followed Jimin and Tae into their rooms.

"What was that all about?" Hoseok said, looking puzzled.

"I'll explain it to you all now- just wait"

"Make it quick im tired" Yoongi grumbled, half asleep. All he wanted to do now is collapse on his bed and drift off to dream land. He threw himself onto the sofa and sighed. A haunted dorm really did sound stupid. Well was it?


"Wait- so Jungkook saw a figure and is now scared for his life...and you saw a letter telling us to..leave?" Hoseok questioned, still tyring to piece together the information Seokjin had given him.

"Yup- oh wait, i have the letter!" Seokjin suddenly said, fishing through his pockets when finally taking out a crumpled paper and handing it to the leader..

The leader examined the paper

"Hmm- you sure this wasnt one of the maknaes mucking around?" He said, eyebrows knotted together.

"Well- there is a possibility... but-..."

Seokjin was cut out by some calling "hyung". It wasnt a whisper or a whine, more like a frightful shout and plead for help.


Seokin jolted and bolted (ooh rhymes- sorry had to point that out xD) upstairs, the screams leading him to the room the maknae line was sleeping in. He opened the door slowly, only for it to be swang open, as Seokjin was tackled into a hug by a crying maknae.

"Jungkook! Whats wrong!?" He asked panicked, as he sat on the floor and placed the younger on his lap, allowing him to bury his shoulder at the brook of Jins neck and sob.

"What happened" Seokjin asked after Jungkook had calmed down a bit, looking up at the 2 other maknaes, who we're also in shock and were shaken.

"I-i dont know!" Taehyung stuttered as tears sprang into this eyes "One minute we were talking and then he just screamed!"

"Shh shh" Hoseok came, engulfing Taehying in a hug.

Seokjin looked towards Jimin, in need for answers but the oldest from the maknae line was heavily sobbing into Namjoons chest.

"Its ok Jiminie- im sure he just had a shock thats all" Namjoon murmured comfortingly

Jimin took a deep, shaky breath "N-no hyung, i-i saw i-it!"

"Saw what?" Yoongi asked, suddenly concentrated and aware, his sleepy state now gone

"B-bla-" Jimin started, only to be cut of by another round of ugly sobs. Suddenly, Jimin turned to face Yoongi, who was standing by the enterance of Hoeseok, Jimin and Taehyungs door, and screamed- pointing in the direction of the room and leaping onto Namjoon, crying hard and sobbing frightfully. This triggered Jungkook, who clung onto Jin harder as he told the older to move away.

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