Chapter 11 [Final]

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-3 years later-

"WOAH" Jimin exclaimed as he entered the new apartment. "This place is HUGE". Seokjin chuckled from beside him, chucking an arm over the youngers shoulder.

"This is what we get for working hard Jimin-ah" He smiled "Now come one everyone, lets sort out roommates before unpacking"

"Its much bigger than our last ones" Taehyung commented as he lept onto the couch closest to him and sat down. "How many rooms?"

"5" Namjoon replied back with a smile "We've already agreed that Yoongi hyung gets one for his studio, Jungkooks on his own because he wanted to and..."

"I'll stay with Taehyung" Hoseok added "and then we have 2 rooms left so....."

"I'll be with Yoongi and you can be on your own if you want, Namjoon-ah" Seokjin offered "You need more space"

"Okie dokieee~" Namjoon sang as he began to take his suitcase up to his room.

It was 23:20 at night and the members had just moved into a huge apartment. Big hit had decided they needed more space, so they had bought a huge apartment for them.

After the members had all unpacked, they came down and settled in the living room.

"Movie?" Hoseok asked, switching on the TV. The members hummed in agreement and agreed to watch a comedy, something to make them laugh after all the stress they'd been in the last couple of weeks.

The movie ended around 1 hour 45 mins later, so at around 01:10, the members all headed up to bed, feeling exhausted and extremely sleepy.

Jungkook was glad he had his own room, which was really big, and took a nice, long warm shower to relax his musles. Once done, he quickly got dressed into some comfy clothes and hopped straight into bed, plugging his phone on charge.

Minutes later, his phone 'buzzed' indicating he had recieved a messaged. He turned around and sighed before clicking the home button to see who had texted him. The screen lit up with the time and date, followed by the message, however, Jungkook did not expect to see what he'd just seen...


Monday 22nd March 2018

message: unknown

I told you it wasnt over...

message: unknown

Im baaaack...


Okie dokieee yay we have reached the end of this story *wooot wooot*

Also, remember when i put a date and time down on..chapter 9, and i told you guys to keep it in mind. Well here you go... hehehe

Thank you guys so much for reading my crappy writing haha xD im sad this has come to an end but yh... 

I hope you guys have enjoyed this! Please let me know how you found it! Also im thinking of starting a new story but i have no idea what to do for it, so please feel free to comment down some ideas.

Also, if you want me to write you a oneshot, just comment down a prompt and i'll try my hardest to write it for you all!

Ily guys so much and i really appreciate all your comments and even you guys reading this! Hehehehe

Take care of yourselves, eat and drink plenty and make sure you rest loads too! Each and every one of you guys are important, so yh... love yourself [which is something i find really hard but BTS have been helping me with it hehe!]

Anyways, until next time! I'll see you all in my next story (whenever and whatever thats gona be!)


Take my hands now. You are the cause of my euphoria~

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