Chapter 6

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The clock struck 10 when Seokjin sighed, his eyes drooping even though it wasnt that late, but the events that had taken place made Seokjin exhausted. It had only been 10 minutes since Namjoon had left, and Seokjin knew there was no point in staying up, the hospital was 45 minutes away and with traffic it was longer. He also knew that Namjoon may have to spend a night at the hospital with Taehyung if it got too late. So he decided to fall asleep, trusting Namjoon to call him and let him know if anything happens.

Seokjin dropped Namjoon a quick message before leaning over Jungkook and placing his phone on the bedside drawer. He looked around at the sleeping members. Hoseok and Yoongi (when did Yoongi move next to Hoseok? Seokjin chuckled, how did he not notice when he moved) where together on a small love seat whilst Jimin and Jungkook were on the king sized bed with him. Aish- they needed a bigger room if they wanted to sleep comfortably. 

Seokjin decided sleep was the best thing to do for now, so he slowly lay down. Jimin had rolled off from Seokjins side minutes before, and was now facing the other way. Jungook however, still had his face smooched on Seokjins lap. Seokjin gently tried to pry Jungkook off of him so he can lie down, but the maknae wouldnt budge, instead whimpering.

"Jungkookie, whats wrong?"

No movement, no sound.

"Jungkook-ah? come on, tell me, or atleast move a little, i wanna sleep too!"


Seokjin sighed and muttered "Your going to wish you'd woken up" as he grabbed a water bottle and splurted a bit of water on Jungkooks face, the coldness from the water causing him to wake up with a yelp.

"Hyunng" He whined, voice croaky.

Seokjin chuckled "I tried waking you up quite a few times actually" Seokjin lay down, pulling Jungkook down with him. 

Jungkook stared wide eyed in open space for a while. Staring at something- but nothing was there. He then sighed and decided to fall back asleep again.

Jungkook lay his head on Jins chest and fell asleep before Seokjin could tell him there was a pillow next to him and ask him why he'd randomly stared in open space. Blaming it on Jungkook being sleepy, he just shrugged it off.

.Just then, Jimin turned over and snuggled against Seokjins other side, leaving Seokjin squished between Jimin and Jungkook, not that he minded though, and within minutes, Seokjin fell asleep with a smile on his face.


At around 2:15, the room to the door buzzed and Namjoon and Taehyung entered. Jin lifted his head slowly and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He slowly sat up and gently moved the 2 members who were beside him, away from him.


"Yup- i got a bigger room by the way, we wont all be able to fit here"

"Wow- you sorta guessed what i was thinking- hows Tae?"

"He's sleepy and really tired, we need to get him into a bed, hes literally asleep standing" Namjoon chuckles. "Also, how are we going to get these lot up so we can move rooms."

"Oh." Seokjin said "Thats easier said than done.."

"Agreed" Namjoon said with a yawn. The two members shared a look before Seokjin turned away, slightly blushing.

"L-Lets just wake them up" He said, stuttering slightly

"O-okay" Namjoon replied. Seokjin climbed out from between Jimin and Jungkook. "I have an idea" He said "You take Tae to the new room with one of the elders- then i'll bring Jimin and Kook and either Yoongi or Hoseok"

"Alrighty" Namjoon said "I'll take Hoseok, since Tae is comfortable around him.

"Mhm really- or is it because Yoongi takes forever to wake up and hes all sleepy and grumpy?" Seokjin asked with a smirk.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and smiled "...maybe- hurryuphobihyungwakeupbeforejinhyungkillsme!" Namjoon whisper yelled as he shook hobi awake and ran out of the room, dragging a half asleep, confused Hobi and a now awak Tae, with him. Seokjin just laughed "I'll get you for that!"


5 minutes later the members had all arrived into their new room, which was indeed, massive.

With 2 queen sized beds and two single beds, two bathrooms (one with a jacuzzi), a kitchen (much to seokjins delight), a huge TV with some real comfy couches. Just like a real home, Hoseok had said.

Seokjin had joined the 2 beds together so he, namjoon and the maknae line managed to squeeze in. Yoongi took one of the single beds, but Hoseok, being Hoseok, was too afraid to sleep on his own, so he'd managed to convince Yoongi, who was too tired to argue, to join the two single beds together.

Practice was cancelled the day after, the managers had found a new dorm for the members, and everything was going to be fine.

Later in the night however, once a thunderstorm started, Yoongi and Hoseok had joined the other members on the bed, and they'd somehow fit perfectly and snug.

Again, everything was going to everything was going to be fine. Or so they thought.

No one noticed the black shadow that followed them all the way from the dorm to the hotel room, and was now lingering near Jungkook.

The question was, was everything really going to be fine and normal again???


Hey guys im back xD sorry ive been busy latelyyy!

Sorry, this chapters pretty short- i didnt want to add to much into here because nothing much was going on, it was more of a set up chapter for the next chapter, which is going to be more detailed and have more going on :)

The horror isnt over! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Let me know in the comments on what you think!

Ly  allll xx

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