Kris - Holding Hands With An Angel

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Kris likes a girl with an angel-like vibe and pretty eyes. He also notices her pretty smile.


Joan sighed happily as she weaved the last end of yarn into the glove. Finally, they were finished. She looked through the window at the soft, white snow, blanketing the ground. "Well," she thought. "No better time to try them out!"

Just as she said this, her cell phone started ringing. "Yeobosaeyo?" she asked.

"Noona!" Sehun squealed on the other line. Joan smiled at her little brother's childishness. "Did you see the snow noona?"

"Yeah. I did. I was just about to take a walk in it!"

"Don't take a walk by yourself! That's dangerous! Instead, come play with me and the hyungs!"

Joan liked being with the EXO members. Since Sehun was her brother, she got to see them a lot. Well, more often than a fan. At least, in person. Cause fans can look on the internet anytime.

"I'll be there soon," she promised before hanging up. She proceeded to get ready.

She skipped make up, knowing that with Chen and Baekhyun around, there would be a snowball fight. And she didn't want her eyeliner to run. It's a good thing that her eyes and her smile were naturally pretty anyways!

She tied her hair in a ponytail and slipped into jeans, a t-shirt, a sweater, boots, and a jacket. Finally, she put on her fuzzy, furry hat, one to match Chanyeol. They had bought them togeather when she went with them on tour. Hey, what else are bestfriends for? Then she slipped her hands into her newly made gloves.

"Ready to go," she whispered before stepping out into the cold. It wasn't a terribly long walk to the dorms, she only lived a few blocks away, but it was long enough for her nose to turn red and start running and her teeth to start chattering. By the time she got there, she was nearly frozen.

Most of the boys were already outside and playing in the snow. Xiumin, Luhan, Yixing, Jongin, and Kyungsoo were building a snow fort. Sehun, Baekhyun, Chen, Tao, and Chanyeol were mass producing snow balls. Suho was on the porch, observing. And Kris was probably inside.

As soon as Joan walked into the courtyard, she was knocked sideways by a flying object. Also known as a snowball. "Oh-oh Sssssehun!" she chattered while shivering. *D-do you w-want t-to die?"

Sehun laughed. "You were always too easily cold. Go inside! It's warm there."

Suho helped her shuffle indoors and remove her snow coated boots. Then he returned back outside.

Joan took off her jacket and went into the living room. She plopped on the couch, pulling her knees to her chest, trying to get warm. The place was a mess, as always. And normally, they wouldn't let her in because then she would go on a cleaning frenzy. But right now, Joan didn't really care.

"Here, this will help."

Joan looked up to see Kris holding a mug of hot chocolate out towards her. "Did you make it?"

Kris laughed. "No need to worry! Kyungsoo made it."

Joan smiled and took the hot mug, sipping on its contents carefully. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Oh, sure." Kris sat down next to her and sipped his own hot chocolate. Joan was never really uncomfortable with any of the EXO members. But it was always pretty akward with Kris. He was always so quiet and looked like he was going through a rough time. Joan was actually kinda scared of him. He just seemed so unpredictable. "I like your gloves," he stated after a while of silence.

Joan's face lit up as she remembered all the hard work she had put into them. "Thank you! I made them myself!"

"Oh really? They look soft."

"Oh they are! It's like holding the hands of an angel!"

Suddenly, Kris took her hand that wasn't holding the mug. He ran his thumb gently against the back of her hand. "It is like holding hands with an angel," he said softly. Joan blushed.


So I dedicated this to you because your friend @thisGirl_isCrazy asked me to write it for you even though you don't know me. It's your going away present. She's really gonna miss you, so I hope you enjoy the time you have now togeather! I hope you like this imagine too!



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