Chapter 2♥︎

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These past few days I have actually successfully managed to get the thought of Jason out of my head. Ive just got home from another day of school & I'm just exhausted. I toss my bag in the corner of my bedroom & throw myself onto the bed. I look up at my light; remembering when I was little picking it out with my dad. I miss him; I really do. Him & mom were so close & to know they divorced over something so stupid. It was just an argument & it costed the whole relationship. Just like how the argument & secrets between me & Jason costed our whole relationship. I miss him; I really do.

•1 Hour Later•

Im finished my home work & I'm still very tired. I decide to take a nap.

"Hey Tina its Jason just calling in to say 'Hi' & that we should definitely see each other again sometime... I kinda miss you." I hear Jason say in his heart melting voice.

I shake my head & wake up. It was just a dream. It is, & it always will be. Our odd past made everything between us awkward & to this day (A year & a half) it is STILL awkward. I think over the possibilities & the things that could go wrong, & the things that could go right. Then I decide to text him.

Tina: Hey Jason, long time no text! How have you been?

After 20 minutes there still wasn't a reply. I regret sending that text. The other day he made fun of me & its almost like I'm rewarding him with friendship for doing so?

"Whats wrong with me" I say aloud.

"I think I know" my mom says from the hallway. "You need food in your stomach! I made spaghetti & meatballs come down & get some" she said & walked down the stairs.

I leave my phone on my bed & follow my mom downstairs.

•45 Minutes Later•

"That was probably heaven in a bowl!" I say wiping a napkin across my face.

"Ah so I did good?" my mom asks.

"Yes you did great! Lovely meal; okay I'll be upstairs bye!" I say, & rush to my room.

I jump on my bed to be followed with a 'bang' noise. I look over & see my phone on the floor. I must have bounced it off. I pick it up & slowly turn it over to reveal the screen, displaying 3 notifications.

Text Message- Jason*

Text Message- Jason*

Text Message- Jason*

I unlock my phone; typing in my password of 1-2-3-4. I make it easy for myself or I forget! I open up the text message to see Jason's reply's:

Jason: Hey Tina! Yeah long time no talk haha

Jason: Sorry for the late reply I was with some buds

Jason: Hello? Tina?

I jump up & scream at the top my lungs "YES THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"

My mom surprisingly doesn't question it & I start to type a reply. I think to my self how wonderful it is to know that this may be a second chance with him!

Tina: Hey sorry. I was eating dinner. So I was wondering if you'd like to meet up sometime. Like at the little italian café down the street. I hear its great ;)

He replies instantly.

Jason: No sorry. I just cant.

I put my phone down & turn it off assuming he has a girl friend. I slightly sob knowing its my fault for being a bad girlfriend & thats why I lost him... But he was a bad boyfriend & that why he lost me! I dont deserve this...

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