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No ones POV

"Murders have been happening all throughout the month," a news anchor said. "No one know for sure who's been doing all of the killings, but surveillance systems and bystanders have seen a female and male with makeshift metal arms. If you see anyone with these features, please contact local author-" The anchor was cut of.

The camera tilted to the side and fell on the ground, gunshots were heard and the sound man was down. Distant choking was heard.

Two more had been added to your kill list. Innocent men and women died because of you and Winter every single day. Of course it wasn't your fault. You used to be the summer soldier, but that changed after you escaped HYDRA. Now that you're back, you've returned to being the Summer Soldier. As you shot the gun in the air and at the camera to clear everyone out and keep yourself from being seen, Winter was positioning himself to kill the others.

Little did you know, the Avengers caught Winter and attempted to capture him and bring him in once again.

"SUMMER!!" He called you by the only name you knew. "SUMMER!!"

You ran outside to see your former comrades pulling him into a black truck.

You shot at them, wounding the most vital members to their team. A bullet went straight into Natasha's upper thigh and hit Bruce in the arm, leaving both unable to fight.

You disappeared into thin air thanks to Scott throwing the wrong disc at the wrong time. You managed to grab another of his disks before you ran towards Winter, setting him free. You ran into the enlarge disc and grew back to regular size.

You grabbed Winter's arm and made a run for it. You managed to escape and head back to the HYDRA base. It wasn't even a long fight. Probably around twenty minutes, maybe less.

Once you got back to the base, you notice Winter wince when you get back.

"What's wrong?"

"You shot my foot."

"I did no such thing."

He objectively pointed to his foot and I noticed the blood.

"A little bullet never hurt anyone."

"But a few bullets do." He took off his shoe and grabbed the extra bandages on a table near him.

"23786, come with me." I knew that number. It was my number. I looked over at a man with a gun and a dark green outfit as he waved his hand over. I quickly walked towards him. He pointed into a room with needles filled with yellow liquids, and a table with straps connected to it.

I knew what was about to happen so I traveled into the room, took off my shirt (they inject to serum into my stomach), and lied down onto the table.

"Now, now, 23786. We'll need none of that today." I gave a quizzical look to the man in charge of me, Brian Eckner. "We need you to work with him." They brought out a man who was struggling to get free of the box he was being kept in. "This is Scott Lang, we need to inject that," Brian said, pointing at the needles, "into him."

Scott looked at me, fear in his eyes. "Gladly," I said simply.

Before leaving, Brian said, "Be careful with him. He grows and shrinks. Very strange."

I looked back over to Scott and started undoing the box he was confined in.

Once I opened it, I roughly grabbed his arms and shoved him towards the table. "Get on it," I directed him. He had a look of concern in his face and I smirked. He ran to the other side of the table and I rolled my eyes, walking towards him. He attempted to click something in his hand, and he started panicking.

"What did they do to you?"

"Made me better."


I glared at him, clearly confused, "Who the fuck is (y/n)?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"I'm 23786 or the Summer Soldier."

"No. You're (y/n)."

"Whatever." I grab him by his shirt collar and easily toss him onto the table.

"Ow," he said, rubbing his elbow in pain.

"Lay down." He did as I said finally and I started strapping him to the table.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

He gulped and I picked up the first syringe. Once he saw it, he started struggling against the straps. I lifted his shirt and he started hyperventilating. I plunged the needle into his skin and he started screaming. I slapped his face and told him to shut up. I picked up the second needle and injected it into another part on his stomach. I finished that one and then I did the last.

He was visibly in pain as he was sweating and gasping for air, his fists clenching and unclenching.

I left the room and noticed Bucky and Brian standing, observing Scott. "What did that do to him?"

"Increased his abilities. Only on YOUR command though."

"My command?"

"Yes. The go-word is A.N.T."

"Does it stand for something?"

"Yes, artificial nuclear trainee."


"Wasn't my doing."

"Alright then."

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