Diary week 1

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Bella's P.O.V

Well, it's me again. It's my first day of being pregnant. Again. I have to say, it's a lot smoother than when i had my beautiful Renesmee.

While I was writing in my

diary to help with the experience, I heard my baby girl, Renesmee, in the living room. I walked into the living room and found her playing with her blocks. Jacob was on the couch, snoring, of course. Though, I'm really glad he's here. One: he's a good babysitter and two: he keeps her busy and makes her happy. She looks about eight now, and she's just as beautiful as ever.

Edward has been working at a hospital downtown, so he hasn't been able to be with me through this. But that's why I've got Alice, Rose and Esme. Ocassionally Emmett and Jasper. Usually, in the morning and a couple hours before Edward gets home, they'd stop in to check on me. After I woke Jacob up, I decided it'd be a good time to make something to eat.

"Renesmee, sweetie, what do you want for super?" I asked, since she was right in front of me; standing in front of the fridge exploring for somthing she'll eat.

"I want an apple," she sang brightly.

"Alright; is that it?" I asked her.

"And some orange juice, please." Ness asked.

So, after I got my baby her small super, then eventually got her to sleep. Now, the hard part is getting Jacob out of the house. I understand that he has a hard time leaving Renesmee since he imprinted on her, but he needs to go home. I know Billy probably misses him and would like to be with him for a couple days.

As I paced back and forth down the hallway, Jacob caught on and became curious.

"Bella, are you alright? What are you doing?" he asked, curiousity and concern in his voice.

"I'm fine. Look, Jake, I know you love Renesmee, and you like being here, but you need to go home."

I hated telling him that he had to leave my baby, but he needed to go home.

"I understand, I'll just go then. You're probably right. I need to just get lost," he said in a depressing voice.

Once Jacob left, I automatically felt bad. He's my best friend, but I can't worry about that when I'm in the bathroom puking my guts out. This baby inside me right now was kicking my ass, but it's not the worst I've had. I forgot how terrible it was to have the morning sickness, the back pain; the throwing up didn't last for long, but the cravings would just get worse and worse as it progressed.

After I was done throwing everything up, I heard a knock at the door. I got up to open the door and in skipped Alice.

"How's it going, Bella? Anything new?" she asked in her clear soprano voice.

"Um, not really. Just trying to survive a day at a time," I told her casually.

Even though I've been through hell, I didn't really feel like having her worry or stay any longer. Don't get me wrong, I love Alice to death, but I wanted to go through this on my own. When I had Renesmee, I just about got everyone killed. I wasn't going let that happen again.

"I brought you something to eat, incase you didn't feel like making anything." Alice said, her pixielike face bright.

"Alice, thanks for the food, but I'm not that hungry. I'm just really tired. Please, don't be mad at me." I pleaded.

"Don't worry about it, Bella. You don't have to eat. Just go get some rest. I'm gonna go back to the house, see if I can find Jazz."

Why? Just, why is everyone doing this? First, Jacob made me feel guilty for kicking him out; and now Alice, because I wouldn't eat what she brought me. . .

I couldn't wait until Edward got home. He'd understand me more, and he wouldn't play the guilt trip on me like everyone else.

I checked on my baby, Renesmee, and was relieved to find her sound asleep. It was 11:30, and Edward would be home any time now . . .


I was lying in bed, feeling a little movement from my newest bundle of joy, when Edward finally came home.

"I'm so, so sorry, love. I didn't mean to be gone that long. I got held up at work and there was nothing I could do," he said in his sweet, musical voice I loved so much.

I couldn't be mad at him after that. I could never stay mad at him for long, I missed him too much.

"Edward, it's alright, i understand. You don't have to apologize for anything. Now just come over here and cuddle with me. I'm getting cold." I knew that would snap him out of it.

Edward layed down behind me and put his arms around me, his hands on my little bump of a stomach. His icy cold, marble hands felt so right on my stomach. It made me feel like I was on Cloud Nine.

"Go to sleep, my love. You need to be good and strong for that bundle of joy in there," Edward told me, rubbing my slightly enlarged stomach.

I couldn't help but smile. He always knew just how to make me feel better- even just by his touch. I kissed him good night and drifted off to sleep in my lover's arms.

Bella's second pregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now