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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I didn't know what was that or what I heard. Feeling sweat trickle down the side of my face, I grabbed my phone and shut off the alarm. I stretched and yawned as I lifted myself off the bed. My phone kept buzzing but I decided to ignore the conversations from the group. As I got to the restroom door, my phone then started ringing.

'Daehwi is calling

Accept | Decline'

I thought he is a night person, I never expect him to wake up so early. I left my phone on the nightstand then proceed to the restroom to freshen up.

"What was that scenery last night.. Who was talking to me.." I looked at the reflections of myself from the mirror. If I tried to remember that memory, it would just make my head aches for a while. Groaning and sighing from frustrations, I exit the restroom and changed clothes. I went around my desk/drawers looking for my earphones and masks, I planned to go somewhere for the day in case the group decided to show up at my door.

"Aish, where is that mask."

"Right here.."

I startled and fallen to the ground after hitting my head to the corner of the desk. I placed my hands on my head where I hit the corner. Luckily it wasn't bleeding, I kept my hand on there. I looked up to see Daehwi holding the black mask, how the heck did he get in here?! When did he even get in?! I got up, grabbing the mask away from him, I walked out of the room with the mask hanging against my chin. I got to the front door and Daehwi immediately guarded it, I remained the coldness.

"Are you even listening?!"

I snapped back to reality and see Daehwi with the anger through his eyes staring up at me. I can't take another moment with him, I need time alone for the day. I picked him up and carried him over to the couch.

"Sorry Daehwi, let me have a day alone.."

"What happen to you all of a sudden? You were having fun yesterday.."

He shouted as I ignored him then walked out of the house leaving him alone in there.


I shouted in frustration from Jinyoung's sudden behavior/action. Since I'm still in the house, I decided to go to his room and figure out some clues to his current state. As I got up the stairs, I felt a cold atmosphere as I approached the door. I didn't really do a good scan as I was looking for random stuff that Jinyoung would need to slow down his pace.

"His room is really bland now that his presence isn't here.. So what is he-" I found something shining from under the bed. I quickly rushed over to it and grabbed it, a metal lock, seemed so new. It was like it was never touched, I want to break the lock so much to see what's inside but it's no use. The key I have wouldn't be able to work or even fit, I quickly looked every spot in his room trying to look for the small key for the lock.

"Where would a key be at..." I cursed under my breath trying to think of places then I suddenly remembered. That day whenever I was cooking dinner, there was something shining under all the kitchen utensils in a drawer. I rushed out of his room to the kitchen, cursing once again since I don't remember which drawer it was in.

'WooJin is calling...

Accept | Decline'

"What is it?"

"Where's Jinyoung?"

"I don't know he left me in his house 20 minutes ago.."

I heard whispers from Woojin on the other line, ok so I'm not the only one worrying about Jinyoung. I sighed and begin scavenging through the drawers looking for it.

"Daehwi? Are you there?"

"Yes.. busy looking for something.."

"What are you doing in his house now huh?"

"Oh I was looking for a reason why he was so cold all of a sudden.. I found something under his bed and now I'm looking for an object to open it."

"Why not come here? I can break some stuff."

"No no it's alright, I found it anyways."

I quickly grabbed the key and ended the call, I hid the book and key. I rushed out of his house and making sure his front door is locked so no one else can break in. I called over a taxi and gave the driver the 2Park's address.


I rushed out of my room to the front door as the doorbell rang non-stop, JiHoon trailing behind me. I opened the door slightly and see Daehwi standing there tapping his foot.

"What is up with you huh? Why did you suddenly came over? Do you want me to break that-"

"No and in fact, I can break this door bell if you want, can I come in now?"

"Hey watch your tone mister!"

I said then opened the door for him to enter, he rushed to the living room and plop himself on the sofa. I sighed, I'm just gonna have go pretend whatever happened earlier didn't even happen. As I entered the living room, I already see Daehwi reading the notebook that he found in Jinyoung's room.

"WooJin, Daniel and Seongwoo want us back in the company again for something. They also want to bring along Daehwi, Guan Lin, and Jinyoung-"

"Tell him we don't have the time today. We don't even know anything about Jinyoung's current state either."

JiHoon only nodded then saw Daehwi laying on the couch. Before he can open his mouth and distract Daehwi, I covered his mouth and eyed him. He rolled his eyes at me then left me standing by the wall.

'Ah Bae Jinyoung.. are you having those moments again..' I thought as I recognized the previous incident compared to what's now.

"Daehwi... there's something you don't know about Jinyoung.."

He looked up from the notebook, looked like tears already about to come from what's said in the notebook. I rushed over to him and tried to comfort him. He burst out in tears leaving the notebook open, enough for me to read what it said.

'To: Bae Jinyoung

Jinyoung-ah, if you see this, please don't come looking for me. I know you will be hurt but please stay strong for me. Don't go out and do anything stupid, live a happy life better than mines at least. You may not be able to remember who I am, but I think it's for the best.'

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